
冀教版六年级下册Lesson21《Summer Holiday》的优秀教案

时间:2023-06-09 18:55:37 文/孙小飞 教案北考网www.beiweimall.com

冀教版六年级下册Lesson21《Summer Holiday》的优秀教案



  1. 复习本单元与海滩相关的词汇。

  2. 围绕What will you do tomorrow ?利用I will___.句型展开话题。


  ① 通过复习熟练掌握运用到I will_____.句型。

  ② 引导同学描述自身暑假将要做的事。

  ③ 能够熟练掌握两种一般将来时的表达方法。

  二、 教学重、难点

  重点: ocean, beach, sand

  难点: Learn and use these words.

  Verbs form about change.

  Teaching steps:

  Warming-up and revision:


  T: Hello,everyone!

  Ss: Hi.



  yesterday today tomorrow





  T: What do you like to do in the summer?

  S: I like to swim.

  S: I like to play badminton.

  S: …

  T: What did you do last year?

  S: I went to Chengde.

  S: I went to the park.

  S师替同学答) I went to a lake to swim in the lake and played on the beach.

  (出示beach 卡片引出新单词)

  New concepts:

  一、 学习新单词。

  1、 教师出示ocean, beach, sand三个新单词(让同学自身试读教师指导)。

  2、 让同学试着自身由词组成短语、由词短语组成句子(给出一些适当的词)。

  ocean, beach, sand

  on the beach,

  I like playing on the beach .

  I will play on the beach this summer .

  In the ocean

  I like playing in the ocean.

  I will swim in the ocean this summer .

  Play with sand

  I like playing with sand.

  I will play with sand this summer.


  What will you do this summer? I will …

  二、 练习话题

  1、 小组讨论:What will you do this summer?

  2、 小组汇报:

  S: I will go to Hai nan. I like playing on the beach .

  I like playing with sand. I will play in the ocean

  I like that place. That is nice.

  S: I want to play with my friends. That is fun.

  三、 跟读课文,回答问题。


  1, Where did Jenny go last summer?

  2, What did Jenny do last summer?

  3, What will Li Ming do this summer?


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