
《Here I am!》教案

时间:2023-06-11 04:25:45 文/李盛 教案北考网www.beiweimall.com

《Here I am!》教案


  Using formulaic expressions to greet people .

  eg: Hello.

  Using formulaic expressions to introduce onself.

  eg: I’m Alice.



  Use modelled phrases to communicate with teachers and other leaners.

  eg: Hello, I’m Alice.

  Open an interaction by greeting someone politely.

  eg: Hello, Miss Fang.

  Open an interaction by introducing oneself.

  eg: Hello, I’m Alice.


  P2; cassette; Photocopiable

  P1; Word and picture cards; Workbook P1


  Photocopy and enlarge the large picture of Dotty, and the words of the song.

  Listen to the song myself; Practise the teacher’s singing part.


  Pre-task Preparation

  Introduce: Dotty Hello,Dotty. Hello? (name)

  A. Put the large picture of Dott Board so that all the student can see it.

  Introduce Dotty. Say: Hello, Dotty.Encourage the class to Say: Hello, Dotty.The parrot says: Hello, Miss Zhou.


  Students say Hello to each other.

  Hello, I’m Miss/Mrs/Mr? Hello, I’m...

  1.Say: Hello, The students answer: Hello.

  2.Divide the class into pairs: The studentssay “Hello” to each other.

  3.Say “Hello. I’m Miss Zhou”to individual students to elHello, I’m(Student’s name)


  Procedure Hello, I’m... Hello, I’m...

  Listen to the song.

  Do substitution exercise Sing the song

  1. In groups , the individual students introduce themselves to one another. They say: Hello, I’m?The rest of the group responds: Hello,(student’s name)

  2. Play the song about greeting on the cassette: Hello. The students listen to the song.

  3. Play the song again. Sing al with the cassette. Encourage the students to sing along wi me and the cassetee.

  4. Invite individuals to sing the song,substituting Dotty with their own name.


  Post-task activities

  A relay race I’m..(name)

  Play a game Hello, I’m.. Hello,

  1. Play a replay race. The student at the back of each rowstarts:I’m (name), followed by the student in front.The first student at the front to say “I’m?puts up his (her) hand. That row wins the relay race.

  2. Play a game . Groups of students form circles. Hold a beanbag and say: Hello. I’ Miss Zhou. Toss the beanbag t

  可通过歌曲的 改编,创造性的' 进行句型练习。 学生将所学运用起来。

  I’m... Explain I’m = I am one student who says: Hello, “I’m? “S1 tosses the bean to another student who says: “Hello.I’m “

  ( Explain the contrac tion :I’m is the same as: I am )


  Do exercises

  Workbook Page1

  At this stage Grammer Practice Book 3A P1 could be used to practise and consolidate the oraand written language in this secfurther.

  Assignment Talk with your parents or friends .


  第一次和这些孩子接触,通过热情洋溢的问候和简单的自我介绍,在活动中教授Hello, I’m?,学生参与积极。


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