

时间:2023-06-14 13:17:59 文/张东东 教案北考网www.beiweimall.com





  4.单词:Easter Bunny Easter egg basket toy hop







  2.Easter Bunny的音乐磁带



  1. Warm up


  “It‘s a sunny day today. Sunny day,sunny day. It’s a sunny day today. Hot,hot,hot.”

  2. New words

  T:Easter is coming. Here comes an Easter Bunny. Look,she is

  hopping to us.

  T:Hello,I am Easter Bunny. Nice to see you.

  T&C:Nice to see you,too.

  T:What‘s in your hand?

  T1:It’s a basket.

  T&C:Basket,basket,It‘s a basket.

  T:What’s in your basket?

  T1:Let me show you. This is a toy.

  T&C:Oh,toy,toy,it‘s a toy.

  T:There are many toys in your basket. Let me see. This is a toy car. This is a toy carrot. That’s a toy dog. Oh,what‘s that?It’s very beautiful.

  T1:I want you to guess.

  T:Is it a boat?

  T1:No,it isn‘t.

  T:Is it a bowl?

  T1:No,it isn’t.

  T:I‘m sorry,Easter Bunny. I don’t know. Boys and girls,do you know?

  T1:(Match the egg) Do you know now. it‘s an Easter egg.

  T:Easter egg,Easter egg,It’s an Easter egg. How colorful it is!

  T1:Yes,How many colors can you see?

  T&C:Let‘s count. One,two,three,four,five,six,seven. There are seven.

  T1:What colors are they?

  T&C:They are red,blue,green,pink,orange,purple and yellow.

  T:Easter eggs are so beautiful. May I have one.

  T1:Sure. Here,I have many Easter eggs. But they are broken. Can you help me match them?

  T:Yes,I can. Can you,boys and girls?

  3. Play games

  <1>. Match the Easter egg from two parts.

  T:Easter Bunny,you have so many toys. Shall we play with them?

  T1:Of course. Let’s play together. (Have the children put on the headbands. Put one object into each hulohoop.)

  Now,I am an Easter Bunny. I can hop. Hop,hop,hop,I can hop. Hop to the toy.

  Hop to the basket. Hop to the Easter egg.

  <3>Find friends

  T:Easter Bunny has hided the Easter eggs down and up. Each of them has friends.

  Can you find them out?(Have the children find out the same Easter eggs.)

  (Music:“Easter Bunny hop,hop,hop. Hide the eggs,down and up.”)

  4. Follow up


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