
Unit 2 Checut 教案

时间:2023-06-14 08:15:06 文/张东东 教案北考网www.beiweimall.com

Unit 2 Checut 教案

  I. Teaching bective:

  1. T review e vcabular and graar ites taught in this unit.

  2. T give students the pprtunit t practice the vcabular and

  graar ites, and t gain cnfidence thrugh ding s

  3. T allw students t chec their prgress and as an questins

  the a still have.

  II. Teaching prcedure:

  1. Tell students that this is revisin and that the have alread

  learnt these wrds and graar ites.

  2. As students t read the e-ail in part A fr verall eaning

  befre the begin filling in the blans.

  3. As students t cplete the exercise n their wn. Reind the

  the graar ites the will need t use.

  4. G thrugh the answers with students. As students t each read

  ut ne paragraph. Listen fr istaes and isprnunciatins.

  5. Tell students that part B is a vcabular gae. It is nt

  difficult as the first letter f each answer is prvided. Encurage

  students t cplete this exercise independentl.

  6. As students t raise their hands when the have finished. Have

  the first student wh raises the hand t read ut the tas n the list.

  Chec fr istaes and isprnunciatin.

  III. Hewr:

  1. Cplete se exercises.

  2. Preview the whle unit and prepare fr an exa


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