

时间:2023-06-11 04:35:44 文/莉落 贺信北考网www.beiweimall.com


















  A Welcome Message to the SAC

  December 20XX

  As Chairman of the ACIIA? (Association of Certified International Investment Analysts), I would like to extend a warm welcome to the SAC on the occasion of the inauguration of CIIA? exams in China for the 2006 March session.

  Since the SAAC (an internal committee of the SAC) joined ACIIA as a Funding Member back in November 20XX, the SAC/SAAC have been greatly contributing to the development of the ACIIA as a Council member association and have also made great efforts over four years to develop and enhance their national educational program in cooperation with the CSRC. In January 20XX, the national program was unanimously accredited by the International Examinations Committee (IEC) of the ACIIA, and, as a result, candidates who successfully pass the SAC national specific exam will be able to sit for the CIIA final exams.

  I am very glad to learn that the SAC will commence offering the CIIA final exams in March 2006 and would like to express my sincere respect for the enormous efforts SAC have made.

  As for the CIIA exams, motivated by the challenges of globalisation, the ACIIA has worked hard to design an innovative examination of high quality which examines a unique combination of international and local knowledge in the sphere of finance and investment analysis.

  Respecting and acknowledging different cultures, languages and national values are not only fundamental for doing business worldwide but also for creating an education and qualification program for investment professionals on a global basis. In this respect, we are proud to provide the CIIA examination scheme that is already available in eleven different languages, and to increase this scope as demand increases.

  The prestigious Certified International Investment Analyst (CIIA?) designation genuinely signifies that the holder has the essential skills and knowledge required for professionals working across the major financial centres of the world. The qualification is technically rigorous and has academic creditability. It has been developed under the umbrella of the world’s best and most experienced financial market experts. Thus, I am confident that CIIA holders in China will contribute to the further development of China’s capital market.

  The ACIIA, and myself, as Chairman of the ACIIA, hope that as many participants as possible will find the CIIA a competitive, practical, and promising designation in the global financial and investment market, and decide to take the CIIA examination.

  Let’s challenge the CIIA exams!

  Kiyoto Hagiwara


  The Association of Certified International Investment Analysts


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