

时间:2023-06-08 12:55:48 文/马振华 古籍北考网www.beiweimall.com


  The Eighth Wonder of the World Hakka Earth Buildings

  The traditional residential buildings in the western part of Fujian Province in south China- Hakka Earth Buildings are named by the UNESCO as the eighth world wonder.

  The appearance of these earth buildings look as grandiose as the ancient Roman Coliseum. They are suspected to be the source of inspiration for the designs of many modern stadiums. Because of its unique design magnificent structure and its anti-humidity and anti-earthquake nature Hakka Earth Building is branded as the legendary residential building on earth.

  Lin Wenlong is a Hakka lad who came all the way to Beijing from one of these earth buildings. He is now a media journalist. Talking about the earth buildings in his hometown he started by telling us the history of the Hakka people.

  The Hakka people used to live in central China. They were forced to move down to Fujian Guangdong and Guangxi several hundred years ago because of wars.Since the Hakka people moved to Fujian from somewhere else they had different customs and culture from the local people as the result there were frictions between them. Therefore these circular earth buildings were built for self-protection better.They are able to house as many as a thousand families. However after centuries of vicissitudes the original tensions between the early Hakka settlers and the local people in Fujian Guangdong and Guangxi are long gone. So the defence function was largely reduced.

  According to Lin a typical earth building had three to five floors. The first floor was used as kitchen the second floor for storage and the third and the fourth floors as living quarters.

  Lin Wenlong said that it is already quite rare now to see many people living in the same earth building. Nowadays as people are getting richer and the living standards getting improved many people have moved out of the earth buildings to live in their own houses. So the earth buildings are gradually becoming architecture of historical values something to see rather than to live in. Each family now enjoys much better privacy than before.

  Though Hakka Earth Buildings represent only one architectural style the rich Hakka culture it contains has influenced generations of Hakka people around the world.














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