buick: in search of excellence.
mercedes-benz:engineered to move the human spirit.
toyota:poetry in motion, dancing close to me.
not all cars are created equal.
三菱汽车: 并非所有的汽车都有相同的品质。
buick: buick-your key to a better life and a better world.
别克轿车: 别克--通往美好生活的秘诀.
our wheels are always turning.
五十铃汽车: 我们的车轮常转不停。
mazda :harmony of style and performance set this new mazda 6 a part. qualities are at the heart of every mazda.
马自达:式样与性能的协调一致使新型马自达6与众不同。质量是马自达的核心 。
new audi a4 :we would never say the new audi a4 is the best in its class. we don’t have to.
奥迪a4: 我们根本不必说新型奥迪a4同类车中最好的。没有这个必要。
honda: for the road ahead.
chevrolet: future for my future.
雪弗兰: 未来,为我而来。
nissan : life is a journey. enjoy the ride.
nissan 汽车:生活就是一次旅行,祝您旅途愉快。
nissan:shift the future
lexus:the relentless pursuit of perfection.
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