

时间:2023-06-05 11:53:41 文/李盛 广告词北考网www.beiweimall.com

  (1): We do chicken is right?

  (2): We do chicken point yeah ~ ~

  (3): We are doing chicken.

  (4): We have the right to make chicken.

  (5): We only do the right half of the chicken

  (6): We can do chicken, right! .

  (7): We exercised the right of the chickens

  (8): We only do the right chicken ... ... (we let the chicken to the right line)

  (9): We only do the right (genuine) chicken!

  (10): only the right is a good chicken, right!

  (11): We have chickens right

  (12): We do chicken is very correct

  (13): We only do genuine chicken.

  (14): Only we can do chicken!

  (15): We just make chicken!

  (16): Our material is authentic chicken!

  (17): We are "doing" is a good chicken ... ...

  (18): the right side of the chicken is the best

  (19): look right, there are chickens

  (20): We only do the right thing

  (21): We must beat the chicken right! . .


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