

时间:2023-06-05 00:01:57 文/孙小飞 广告词北考网www.beiweimall.com



  32 ° life Home Textiles - Let's sleep better. Comfortable sleep (professional) Po Man home textiles - color life, Po Man home textiles. Colorful (sensual)

  Love will be Farah home textiles - love life, similar to Farah. Romantic (sensual)

  More love home textiles - love and dreams fly. Innocence

  Mercury Home Textile - Love a bed, love a home. Warm (sensual)

  Fu Anna Art Home Textiles - Original Life Art, Anna Rich Art Home Textiles.Art (Perceptual) Veken Home Textiles - Comfortable Health, Wisdom Love Home. Health (features a bit more)

  Grand textile - grand home textiles, magnificent. Luxury (sensual)

  Rollei Home Textiles - classic Rollei, taste life. Classic (sensual)

  Kaisheng Home Textiles - a dream, a life. Innocence

  Champs in the home textiles - moved a new dream, taste a new life.Innocence

  South sleep decorated - a line of life, the South sleep decorated, happy bedding experts. No features

  Sheng Yu Home Textiles - Kaiyuan prosperity, extraordinary Qiyu, Shengyu Home Textiles. Vosges Home Textiles - Vosges big home textiles, real big home textiles. No features

  DuPont Home Textiles - love home, love life. Warm (sensual)

  Taifeng Home Textiles - Teabing's true feelings - Taifeng Home Textiles warm (emotional)


  Meiluo Home Textiles - the best quilt of Chinese textile industry. Professional (rational)

  Family home textiles - cotton texture, silk feeling. Comfort (inductive)

  1000 Rong Home Textiles - Technology to create a healthy life. Scientific Health (Rational)

  Ordos Home Textiles - Dream home, love the Harbor, Erdos Home Textiles, warm the world. Warm (emotional) Dream Anne Home Textiles - beautiful dream, at your fingertips. Innocence

  Oriental embroidery - oriental, world.

  Welsh Home Textiles - feel not ordinary, Welsh Home Textiles. Features are not prominent

  Red bean Home Textiles - Let 's call the shots. Romantic (sensual)

  Yi Lai by the Home Textiles - Nordic leisure style, Yi Lai by home textiles.(Emotional sentiment)

  Love is still life, grace!

  Different home, a common choice.

  Moved a new dream, taste a new life.

  Feel the beauty of life, Xin Le and home textiles.

  Feel the softness of Mercury, taste Mercury's art, and revel in Mercury's life.Return to nature, quiet enjoy life.

  Fine home textiles, diffuse advocates.

  Centrifuge the nearest place.

  Fall in love and happy, diffuse dance Xin life.

  Buy home appliances, to En can!

  Man life, Xin realm.

  Dream from Jiangnan, silk from the Taihu Lake.


  Life down, the world is more exciting.

  Poetic home textiles, but happy.

  Comfortable health, wisdom, love home.

  Silk Tai Lake snow, Jiangnan love.

  Free dance, free life.

  Grand textile, magnificent.

  Enjoy life, the natural Xin and music.

  Small home of the warm, everyone's happy.

  Spiritual magician, Xin Le and home textiles.

  Heart belongs to, from "diffuse life."

  Xin Erle, let the world slow down for you.

  Xin life, heart moved.

  Xin with the romantic, fun to enjoy nature.

  Xin has enjoyed, in which music.

  A dream, a life.

  Original life art, rich Anna Art Home Textiles.

  Silk really enjoy, I love my life.


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