

时间:2023-06-12 10:14:59 文/李盛 公文北考网www.beiweimall.com


  Leaving certificate is proof that the laborer and the employing units of labor contract is dissolved or terminated credentials, and workers to apply for unemployment insurance important information.

  The labor department" on the implementation of the labor contract system issues notice" provisions": workers in fulfilling the relevant obligations, dissolution of the labor contract, the employer shall issue, termination of contract certificate, as the workers enjoy unemployed insurance pay by the regulation and registration of unemployment, job registration certificate. Certificate shall specify the term of the labor contract, terminate or cancel the date, the work. If the employee demands, the employer can prove objectively explains to rescind the labor contract reason."

  You as a university graduates, at present the company with you haven't officially graduated from, just signed for a period of six months" internship agreement", in fact the practice agreement and labor contract is different from it, if you do not apply for unemployment insurance, as graduates, the law that the leaving certificate to you is not important.

  Of course, you have to leave the company, also should handle the handover procedures, the company delivery office items returned, unfinished work to inform the succession colleagues, not out.

  In addition, the lawyer thought the company require three days in advance to inform the unit is reasonable, after all the company to arrange for new workers to replace your position, it also needs to give the company some time to prepare.

  Leaving certificate template 1

  Leaving certificate:

  _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Sir / madam / miss, since _ _ _ _ years _ _ month _ _ to _ _ _ _ years _ _ month _ _ day in our company as a _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ( Department ) of the _ _ _ _ _ _ _ position, due to _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ reasons resignation, and labor relations. Hereby certify that!

  Company name ( with the official seal)

  Leaving certificate template 2

  http://www.oh100.com/a/201203/66185.htmlLeaving certificate:

  This is to certify that the XX from the XX XX month XX day entry my company as a XX XX post, XX XX month XX day to apply for leave for XX reasons, this work period no bad performance, good work, harmonious with colleagues, was awarded the" XX" during the title ( Hons ). After careful consideration the company granted leave, have procedures.

  Because of not signing the relevant confidentiality agreements, to liberty.

  Hereby certify that

  Company stamp

  Date: _ _ _ _ years _ _ month _ _ day

  Leaving certificate template 3

  Leaving certificate:

  Sir / madam / misince 01 2008 01 entry in our company as a human officer positions, to 2010 06 months 31 days due to personal reasons for leaving here, no bad performance, the company decided to study, to their separation, has a separation procedures.

  Because of not signing the relevant confidentiality agreements, to liberty.

  Hereby certify that

  Company name ( with the official seal)

  _ _ _ _ years _ _ month _ _ day


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