

时间:2023-06-18 17:40:46 文/马振华 发言稿北考网www.beiweimall.com


  Hello, everyone. I'm XXX. I'm running for the Labor Health Committee.


  I am a man who loves labor. Labor is not light, heavy, dirty or tiring. There is such a saying - only disgraceful losers, no disgraceful career! Cleaning the classroom, cleaning the area, cleaning the corridor and so on, many, many, this is labor, labor is also a profession! Although no one is willing to do the work of cleaning toilets, it is glorious!


  We all know that our Chinese nation is the most hardworking and brave nation in the world. In China's 5000 years of history, Chinese people's hard work has created brilliant Chinese civilization and Chinese culture. It is precisely because of the hard work of the Chinese people that we have today's miracle of rapid economic development in China!


  In the same way, our students should love work, study hard and grow up healthily. Therefore, as long as we have time at home, we should do our best to do housework, such as sweeping the floor, mopping the floor, taking out the garbage, helping mom and dad with things, and pouring water for the elders. I also brought these good habits of loving work to school.


  If I can be elected successfully, I will do the following:


  Keep the classroom clean and keep no dust in the corner. There is no writing on the blackboard before class.


  2. Keep the hygiene area clean and free of waste paper, so as to finish the duty within five minutes.


  3. Keep the floor of the classroom moist and clean the glass as much as possible.


  The four tables and chairs shall be placed in a vertical shape. The space between the tables should make it easy for a person to pass through.


  In this way, I will gradually become a person who loves the collective, cares about classmates and has a sense of responsibility.


  Thank you.


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