

时间:2023-06-06 10:56:14 文/李盛 发言稿北考网www.beiweimall.com


  Ladies teacher and CLAssmate:Good morning.

  I am three years.

  Twenty CLAss stadent.

  My name is Jane Wong.

  I would like to thank you teacher and CLAssmate giving me this chance to have book review , As is well-known.

  Childhood is curiosity and reading.Now I would like to share learning mate experience, To speak frankly, I like reading books about maths ,Especially problem sdving ones .I can learn how to control your brain and master analysis and logic from math.

  During the process of counting and understanding the question you will meet a good friend.

  Her name is patience In truth, during the process of math, we not only manage our brains,we also operate our hands, We learn ways to use our brains and develop a pair of skillful hands.Learning math has too many advantages, besides training our thinking and letting us know many friends.

  The most important thing is we will use the arithmetic all our lives, for example: counting the candy in our pockets, the score on examinations, even the speed Dad drives the car.

  There are so many examples in our lives, Lastly, I want to say thank you again for listening to my book review and I hope you will like math as much as I like it.


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