

时间:2023-06-16 17:52:58 文/孙小飞 反义词北考网www.beiweimall.com


  Ubiquitous: 到处存在的; existing everywhere at once

  1) omnipresent; present everywhere

  2) existing everywhere at the same time; constantly encountered; widespread

  相近词汇:omnipresent, pervasive, widespread

  ubiquitous rarely encountered 到处都是的`很少遭遇的

  ubiquitous unique

  ubiquitous : PLACE = perpetuity : time 无所不在的:地方=永恒:时间

  ubiquitous: existing or being everywhere at the same time : constantly encountered


  A) uniform

  B) unanimous

  C) unique

  D) anachronistic

  E) mediocre

  That hit song was ubiquitous all summer long: I heard it at the beach, at the grocery store, waiting on line at the deli, and on the radio just about every time I turned it on.

  A ubiquitous spirit followed the man wherever he went.

  Water may seem ubiquitous, until a drought comes along.


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