

时间:2023-06-03 03:19:01 文/张东东 读书北考网www.beiweimall.com


Shawshank Redemption is a film co-operated by white people and black people. It told a story about the life in the prison.

A man called Andy Dufresne, was sent into the prison, Shawshank, for he murderer his wife and her lover in bed. However, he was innocent as he said. The new days in the prison were hard to live. It’s violent, heartless and cruel. A month later, Andy began to make friends with other prisoners. One of them called Red, who could get anything what he wanted. Andy bought a mallet from him and started his plan to escape. During this time, he did many things: expanding the library, caving stones, making tainted money for the prison governor, etc. It took him 20 years to tunnel secretly and he successfully escaped from the prison. Before that, Andy had told his best friend Red that his dream---Zihuatanejo, a warm place without memory. After escaping, Andy lived a free life in another identity and made the prison governor arrested. Several years later, Red was approved to leave. He had lived inside for 40 years. He was institutionized. Sometimes he thought of getting back again as he didn’t belong the world, but he didn’t, for the promise to Andy. Finally, in Zihuyatanejo, they met.

It is a good film. The cruel prison life terrified me and the friendship moved me. The story goes to a happy ending---redemption.


Based on the Stephen King (non-horror) novella “Rita Hayworth and the Shawshank Redemption”, this is a simple story of hope made remarkable by the interaction between the two lead characters. Both Tim Robbins and Morgan Freeman do a fine job in terms of making their roles genuine and appealing, and also in the way they work so well together.

 The production values throughout are outstanding, but this is not a “fancy” film. Rather, it sticks to the story it is telling without resorting to flashy tricks to grab the audience’s attention. Although there is violence, some of it extreme, it is necessary to show the kind of place the prison is and is certainly not gratuitous. The main theme is hope, not despair, and the violence serves only as a backdrop to that message. Unashamedly a feelgood movie, by the end one is wishing only that it would continue for a few more moments.


Shawshank Redemption is a film co-operated by white people and black people. It told a story about the life in the prison.

A man called Andy Dufresne, was sent into the prison, Shawshank, for he murderer his wife and her lover in bed. However, he was innocent as he said. The new days in the prison were hard to live. It’s violent, heartless and cruel. A month later, Andy began to make friends with other prisoners. One of them called Red, who could get anything what he wanted. Andy bought a mallet from him and started his plan to escape. During this time, he did many things: expanding the library, caving stones, making tainted money for the prison governor, etc. It took him 20 years to tunnel secretly and he successfully escaped from the prison. Before that, Andy had told his best friend Red that his dream---Zihuatanejo, a warm place without memory. After escaping, Andy lived a free life in another identity and made the prison governor arrested. Several years later, Red was approved to leave. He had lived inside for 40 years. He was institutionized. Sometimes he thought of getting back again as he didn’t belong the world, but he didn’t, for the promise to Andy. Finally, in Zihuyatanejo, they met.

It is a good film. The cruel prison life terrified me and the friendship moved me. The story goes to a happy ending---redemption.


Based on the Stephen King (non-horror) novella “Rita Hayworth and the Shawshank Redemption”, this is a simple story of hope made remarkable by the interaction between the two lead characters. Both Tim Robbins and Morgan Freeman do a fine job in terms of making their roles genuine and appealing, and also in the way they work so well together. The production values throughout are outstanding, but this is not a “fancy” film. Rather, it sticks to the story it is telling without resorting to flashy tricks to grab the audience’s attention. Although there is violence, some of it extreme, it is necessary to show the kind of place the prison is and is certainly not gratuitous. 

The main theme is hope, not despair, and the violence serves only as a backdrop to that message. Unashamedly a feelgood movie, by the end one is wishing only that it would continue for a few more moments.


God, or god in a wider sense, and human virtue, justice, are not external demands on human beings, are not letters on paper, are not banners for various interests. On the contrary, they arise from the inner needs of human beings, the pursuit of eternal values, and the inspection and discovery of the constantly changing objective world. And only then will God, or religion and faith, guide you through your own salvation and your own breakthrough. Ive been reading buddhist altar sutra, six ancestors huineng founded to "sex" sees the Chinese zen Buddhism, the root is also mastered chan is no longer a way, a kind of theory, a kind of discipline, is no longer the outward things, but of life exists in the deep hearts core, which reflects the rationality of religious nature. Unlike eastern Buddhas who seek ethereality and transcendence, Western Gods may be more fixated on original sin and redemption, but both are products of the human mind.

Andy with their wisdom and perseverance, finally completed the miracle of the escape, and let the warden get the deserved punishment. After he got out of prison, why did he leave instead of following the usual Hollywood logic and trying to prove his innocence?

Because God exists within. Sin and non-sin, at the level of the soul, there is no need to prove but to constantly examine oneself! When asked again if he had been reinvented before being paroled, Rhett said frankly, "Reinvented? I dont quite understand the meaning of this word. I used to repent every day, not because I was here, or because you thought I should repent. I tried to tell the young man who had sinned in the past what was right and wrong, but he could not find it. Only the old man was left with white hair. The Shawshank Redemption pointed out the way to salvation. God walks with the human soul at all times!

In the name of religion, doctrine, law and even justice, many people in modern society, like The warden NORTON, have lost their basic honesty and character as a human being in the name of personal and group self-interest, in the name of exculpation, rhetoric and sophistry. When a man is accustomed to acting and without introspection, he has fallen into the hell of eternal damnation, let alone redemption!


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