

时间:2023-06-12 22:17:50 文/秦风学 读后感北考网www.beiweimall.com

  Robin Girl 2 song of silence is a good piece of work that can't be held up. The protagonist of this book, Miriam, has a mysterious power to know what time, where, and what way the person will die by shaking hands with a person! Miriam has the ability to predict death, which doomed her story to be accompanied by death. This is a contest between life and death. Her story is very wonderful, because the way of death is extremely similar and human death is traceable. It is as if there is a pair of leading hands in the darkness, either death or God. Millie ANN is the one who resists fate.

  Milien, 22, struggled against fate and finally saved Lewis's life. Two loved ones were born together, but like all those who were free, Millie was not willing to waste life in a cage. She hated wearing gloves every day as a cashier in the supermarket and disgust to repeat the boring life. She had never been so longing for freedom, and when she was finally dismissed, her mood should have been as happy as a free cage bird, but an unstoppable negative emotion grew in her heart like a snake venom.

  Milian did not have the heart to see the two girls and the future of many girls with poison. She tried to save the two girls, and to find the cruel and perverted murderer, and no normal person helped her, because no one would believe her to be able to make such a ghost, only the woman named Katie, a slightly abnormal woman. She believed in her, but she was also very limited in giving her help. Asking clues was an extreme way to threaten the life of others, and her lover, Lewis, only appeared at her most dangerous time. In this thorny and full of death breath, she can only rely on herself.

  In the face of these destinies, her character is also changing. At the very beginning, she gave up the rebellion mentality and made her constantly decadent. Finally, I was forced to rush, and I wanted to make a difference. But she found this not a long term, so wearing gloves, want to live a normal life, but she is such an entangled person, fate is not an ordinary person, so she will never become normal. Like the movie X police, magneto goes to the factory to do the lowly job, and goes home to live happily with his family at night. But it didn't last long. He couldn't restrain his ability at last. When he was exposed, he killed his relatives. It can be said that since these people are chosen by fate, they will be different, and the more they escape, the more it will be screwed up. When the real attempt is faced, life is gradually on the right track.

  Sometimes the power of love is stronger than death. Love can give people the power to live. This power is enough to fight against darkness and let us avoid escaping from fear. Sometimes, the more it is avoided, it is tighter. Constantly running away can make yourself exhausted, so what we can do is to face it bravely, if it can not be defeated at the end. At least, love makes the end not so sad. If the grey world can be mixed with a glimmer of bright color, it will calm the heart without fear.

  The greatest inspiration for this book is that when you hear about fatalism, it is easy to get up in the trap of fatalism, choose to be a lamb that is slaughtered by the fate of the God of fate, spend his life passively, or use fatalism to comfort your own failure. Fatalism can be understood, but it can not be understood only by its fur. Any idea is like this. For the fate, we would rather believe that the fate is held in our own hands, a man in the world of the world, such as a ship to the sea, how the ship navigates, where to reach, on the one hand, the influence of wind and ocean currents, on the other hand, the ship's own goals and motivation.


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