

时间:2023-06-08 17:07:21 文/刘莉莉 读后感北考网www.beiweimall.com


  Recently read on behalf of the famous French writer Alexandre Dumas's work: "La Traviata", read two times, will you not. I was touched by the book of love stories, read the sad place, it tears.


  The modern people want to get true love, want to get specific moments in the discussion of love, but also what is love? If there is true love? "La Traviata" gives us a correct answer: between men and women in love, is a kind of dedication, is a given, is a kind of loyalty, sacrifice, selfless, not to take, but not to cheat; have a genuine and sincere desire for the sake of each other, each other to do any sacrifice everything, can to make each other happy as his greatest pleasure and satisfaction.


  I think everyone to read novels, and happy, in grief at separation and joy in Union for the hero and heroine and worry, and tears at the same time, to review their own in the emotional aspects of the gain and loss, to cherish their love, treat affection and friendship.


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