

时间:2023-06-03 16:57:42 文/莉落 读后感北考网www.beiweimall.com

  I read a famous British writer dickens of a classic "David Copperfield", feeling a lot of enlightenment.

  David, an ordinary boy. His father had died before his birth, leaving the young mother and nurse to take care of the little guy. Although didn't get a father, but under the care of the adults, David had a wonderful childhood. Until one day, mother love with a man, David had a stepfather, everything changed. Her stepfather as the devil, greed, stepfather, sister is a heart of stone. Warm home as cold as ice cellar, David's mother soon in their siblings died under torture, David school for child labor.

  Lucky enough to flee the scene, in the meantime, David stayed with my aunt Bessie. With the help of Bessie with Mr Dick, David received a good education, and meet with a friend. Although have been suffering, kindness, integrity, remain in David's body. After accept the baptism of death and respectively, a successful career in business, David and reap the sweet of love.

  And other works of dickens "oliver twist", it is more perfect, not only with the outrage when young, more mature, more close to reality. David, in his childhood and youth, David body that shares a pitch is impressive. If for me, I can also like David? The stepfather I would remain calm in the face of fierce? After so many failures, I still have hope? I think it's hard for me to do it.

  I see from David's body, in a crisis, how important it is to have optimistic mind, only in this way, we can become the butterfly fly against the wind. In fact, success is not far away from me, as long as you stick to, always can catch him, but I often fear of failure, not forward. In the future no matter what difficulties, I must to David's example and do a frail-looking, but never bend after wind and rain bamboo!







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