

时间:2023-06-12 17:39:29 文/刘莉莉 读后感北考网www.beiweimall.com

  These days, I finished reading a book, called "oliver twist"

  "Oliver twist" is one of the biggest British novelist, Charles Dickens's 1838 novel, is also one of his representative works.

  This book reflects the early 19th century British society at the bottom of the life, the hero oliver, let me very sympathetic to the sad. He was 11 years old, but in life, every day do not have enough to eat and wear not warm, and a few times go den, but he didn't and they together crime, would rather tortured colluding with them, and with a strong will to resist the bad bullying and temptation, later merry lady saved oliver, and took him in. After a period of time, and oliver lived a happy life.

  After read this book, my heart can't be calm once in a long time, the heroine's age and I like big, but, compared with his, our life is how of happiness, but we still don't meet, meet a little difficult, give up, lack of willpower. I want to learn oliver, strong quality, overcome all difficulties and obstacles, to cherish everything now, study hard, become a useful person to society.





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