

时间:2023-06-03 16:41:00 文/张东东 读后感北考网www.beiweimall.com


  The Little Prince is a fairy tail written by a French writer named St. Exupery. The novel is not very long so it didn’t take me much time to finish it. But some sentences in this book impressed me deeply and lingered in my heart for a long time…


  Only your heart can see clearly. Things really true cannot be seen by eyes.


  It’s a secret that the fox told the little prince. It told him that we should use our heart to feel the world. Those things that are truly important to us such as warmth, happiness, innocence… We cannot see them by our eyes. We would never find them through only our eyes. But using our heart, we can feel them.


  “Only those tamed that will be understood.” The fox said, “ people won’t have any time to understand anything again. They always buy those things that just made from businessmen. There is no store for friends in the world, so people don’t have friends.”


  Nowadays, the pace of our life is becoming faster and faster. Our life is becoming busier. We are stingy on our time, so we eat fast food, take crash courses and believe the words like “ you can know/ learn… in five minutes.” But we should still spare time to get to know the things that are worth our time, to make a delicious meal, to read a book clearly, to appreciate a movie and to know a person…


  “You are beautiful but empty.” The little prince kept saying to them, “ No one can give up their life for you. Surly a common passer-by would think that she is not different from you. But she is more important than all of you. Because it’s me that watered her, it’s me that put her into the flower cover, it’s me that protected her with the screen and it’s me that eliminated the caterpillars on her (except leaving two or three to become butterflies ). Because I have listened to her resentment and self-boast, and sometimes even her silence. Because she is my rose.


  Some things are valuable not because they are very rare but for that the time, energy and patience we spent on it gave it a special meaning, making it different from other things. Because it’s special in our heart, it becomes valuable.


  This book expressed the writer’s criticism of the emptiness, boredom and stiffness of adult’s world, and the eulogy of innocence. The little prince have both the innocence of kids and the wisdom of adults. He has sensitive, attentive and pure mind, which made the words in this book simple but philosophic and profound.


  Before coming to the earth, the little prince met all kinds of people during his journey. They were false and numb, having lost their innocence. But are they like this in the beginning? No, they just have forgotten the little kids in their heart.


  Finally, send you a sentence: “don’t forget what kind of kid you ever were; don’t forget what kind of adult you ever wanted to be.”


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