

时间:2023-06-19 21:05:06 文/黄飞 读后感北考网www.beiweimall.com


  After a week of "Qingeng Buchuo", I finally finished reading the novel "Wizard of Oz". The winding plot and beautiful story impressed me deeply.

  "The wizard of Oz" is the author of Baum of the United states. The main content of this book is that Dorothea, a little girl, was blown to a strange country by a powerful tornado. If you want to return home, she must go to the Emerald City to the great wizard - Ozzy for help. On his way to Emerald City, Dorothea met a scarecrow who wanted to have a brain, an iron logger who wanted to be heart, and a coward who wanted to get courage. They went to Emerald City and went through a lot of dangers, but they didn't shrink, and everyone finally got it.

  "The wizard of Oz" this book is full of fantasy and lively and vivid atmosphere lustrous and dazzling. What impresses me most is the truth, goodness and beauty shown in it. Whenever one of them is in trouble, others will never ignore it, but try to save the other side. For example, when they encounter the fierce monster "Cali", even the lion lay down fight them! And the lion by the crafty Witch of the West up slaves, Dorothea secretly feed it. These sincere and kindhearted stories have clenched my heart, and I believe I will cling to your heart.


  Read the "Wizard of Oz" this book is a great inspiration to me.

  "The wizard of Oz" is the author of Baum of the United states. This book is about a little girl and her puppy "toto", who was swept into a magical country by a fierce and powerful tornado. They all lost their way in this country and wanted to find her uncle and aunt. Through the guidance of the good witch, they went to a place called Emerald City, looking for Ozzy magician to help her fulfill his wish. On the way, she met the unmindless scarecrow, the heart free iron man, and the very timid lion. In order to realize their wishes, they followed the little girl to find Ozzy. During the journey, they helped each other, hand in hand, and went through all kinds of hardships, and encountered many strange things. In the end, with their extraordinary intelligence and perseverance, they all fulfilled their wishes: the calculated scarecrow, the iron man with the healthy heart, the lion who recovered the courage, and the little girl in his uncle and aunt, who were all unusually happy.

  When we get along with our classmates, we should also unite and help each other, and help each other, so that we can overcome many seemingly impossible difficulties, so that we can have a better and sincere friendship.


  I think the "Wizard of Oz" is a very good book.

  The reason why this book is good is that the author of this book exerts rich imagination in this book, attracting readers to read from page to page. This book also tells us with a tortuous story that we should be kind, brave and willing to help others.

  An adventure heroine Laixi much of this book. On the way, darthy saved the scarecrow, the iron man, and a lion. They all had a wish: The Scarecrow wanted a brain; the iron man wanted a heart; the lion wanted to be brave; and darthy wanted to be reunited with his relatives.

  So they started the journey through many difficulties and dangers.

  After reading this book, I feel very relaxed, feeling that the sky is bluer, and the wind is more cool and comfortable. They all had their own dreams: The Scarecrow got a smart mind; the iron man got a long - expected heart; the lion became a real king of the forest; and drethy returned to the family of the affectionate.

  After reading this book, I realized the importance of friendship. It has been a long process for many of them, such as the "leathy", "Scarecrow", "Iron Man" and "lions" from strangers to inseparable friends.

  I also know that people have to go to their goals, and no matter what difficulties they may have on the road, we must overcome them bravely, rather than stop halfway and go on unswerving. We want to learn more of her learning Laixi insist, don't shrink encountered a little difficulty.

  From this, I know the importance of reading, and I will read more and better books later.


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