

时间:2023-06-19 20:28:11 文/刘莉莉 读后感北考网www.beiweimall.com


  Hey, Dear Morrie, would you allow me the honor to dance with you On closing my eyes, I can see an elderly angel dancing in darkness, lost himself in a crystal clear world. And he teaches me how to lead the life I want to lead and how to be the person I want to be by all these warm and encouraging words which leave me a touched heart and a stream of tears.

  Morrie is always laughing and talking as he will never be tired out. He licks the ice-cream on the street, eats tongues, and takes a deep breath to count how many seconds it can last. At the beginning of the movie, I can’t even imagine the childish-lovely Morrie is a 77-year-old man with ALS, a rare disease that makes the dancing stop forever and is taking the angel’s life away.

  Mitch, Morrie’s favorite student, usually does everything just to meet the deadline. He has to live on the phone and do six things at the same time, as busy as a bee without thinking much about the meaning of his life until he saw the news of his coach—Morrie is dying. Then he hesitated whether to visit his dear coach or not owing to the 700-mile journey and his tight schedule or, frankly, his guilt.

  However, his girlfriend, Janine said,” You’re on the road on your life. Why can’t you make time for one trip to Boston Think of him. Think of how much it would mean to him.” So the trip began.

  Upon seeing Mitch, Morrie showed an expression of joyfulness mixed with surprise. “Here’s my buddy! I don’t get a hug after 16 years ”, said Morrie excitedly, without complaining about Mitch’s failing to keep his promise. And what impresses me most is the tough hand of old Morrie when he clings to Mitch’s shoulder.


  Seeing that Morrie received him so warmly, Mitch suddenly came to realize that he had lost something very precious. “Death and sickness, and getting fat and going bald happened.” He thought. “I traded lots of dreams for a bigger paycheck, and I never even realize I was doing it.”

  It’s very though on the journey of pursuing our dreams and therefore many people fail. So did Mitch. He gave up his dream of becoming a musician and started to earn as much money as he could. By doing this, he was gradually getting older. Hadn’t him seen Morrie, he would know what he was really doing. He abandoned his dream and something else.

  Money is not so important. If the money we have is able to support our living, it’s enough. Wanting much more money than you need usually makes one confused and likely to lose something more meaningful, such as family, friend, your beloved ones and a satisfied life.

  Only by understanding those above will a male or a female resists the temptation of money or status and turns to those things, as I say, deserves to cherish. It can be really pathetic when one desires to cherish something that used to be ignored but the time leaving for he or she is limited. Never make it too late to cherish things deep into your heart. Time will never flash back and you won’t have the chance to live for a second time.


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