

时间:2023-06-14 18:05:07 文/阿林 读后感北考网www.beiweimall.com


  Recently, I read a book, "father and son", which tells the story of urchin, father, and an innocent son.

  The book is a work of Russian critical realism. Among them, what impressed me most is the final chapters: father and son later became famous, they just started, very happy, but later, they discovered that others do what they look like and what is not good, so they feel that they are not the one and only the father and son, because this feeling empty son, the father said: "Daddy, I want to go to heaven." Father to son, son of holding hands, non-stop walking, they finally went to heaven, my father became the moon, the son became a star in the end, the author said that if the kids love the father and the son, not every night looking at the sky!

  Family, two simple words, but contains the blood and water deep feeling. However, we still have some people around, do not know how to cherish, parents hard to pull you up, and you do not know how to repay, perhaps parents do not seek repayment, but you have a heart of gratitude do not have it? A warm word, a big hug, a deep kiss...... Sometimes the family to erase the happy memories, raised us so many years, whether rich or poor, parents will cherish you, cherish this God given happiness.

  Family affection, friendship...... The two indispensable "love", the two contains happiness "love", in this book reflected, also by the author with affectionate ink painting out, let us open the hands, the precious things in our arms!


  The father and son of E Blaus, a German painter, is an interesting and animated cartoon. The comic book reflects the sincere feelings of father and son. The father first came to this world, and later his son came to the world. On the road of life, more than one companion, also equal to more than a friend.

  When father is in trouble, the first one to think of is his clever, lovely and lively son. When his son is in trouble, he first thinks of his humorous, fat and honest father. When his son was a child, his son grew up to be the patron saint of his father.

  There are one hundred and ninety-five episodes in this comic book, and the first episode, "homework shy", attracts me like a magnet. Father saw his son's homework will not do, and then help his son to do, and the result of a mistake, his father was a teacher. I know that father loves his son, but he doesn't do it the right way.

  Although there is not a word in the painting, they still feel the father and son love between them. For example, the "son's gift", his son gave his father a gift, but because of carelessness, gift broke. The son wept sadly. Instead of blaming him, father comforted his son. He picked up the needle in the debris of the gift and made a pipe through the pipe! Son, then I know, I still have meaning.

  Kind and optimistic father and naughty son, they both draw the sense of father and son.


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