

时间:2023-06-16 05:19:43 文/张东东 导游词北考网www.beiweimall.com

  Dear visitors, everyone, I am very happy to be your guide, my surname is wearing, you can call me to dear, today we visit the place - Lijiang ancient city. Everyone comes to me. Here is the ancient city of Lijiang. Lijiang Ancient City has nature and humanities and double glamors called one of forgetting the time, also known as "the most complete four ancient city". It is the only ancient city in China's historical and cultural city. Lijiang Ancient City is located in Yungui Plateau, more than 2,400 meters above sea level, with a city area of u200bu200b3.8 square kilometers. We came here now to the Tiger Leaphouse. This has a legend. Nujiang, Yinjiang, Jinsha River is a three sisters, big sister angry, two sisters, Lijiang loves, Sanmei Jinsha Jiang quiet. Parents should marry the three sisters to the West, Jinsha River is secretly embarking in the south. Come to Lijiang Shigu Town, two sisters insisted on the southward, Jinsha River is determined to go to the east of the sun, and bid farewell to my sister, turn around, so I have formed a "Yangtze River First Bay". Parents sent Yulong, the three sisters who pursued the Haba brother. The two brothers came to Lijiang Baisha, and the road to block the orientation was placed. The two are tired, and they will be waiting for turns. Whoever puts away and asked by home law. When I was going to Haba, Yulong fell asleep. Jinsha River is seen, just puts his footsteps and sang a beautiful hypnotic song. She sang 18 pieces, and Haba listened and fell asleep. Jinsha River slipped from their feet. Yulong woke up, see Jin Shajiang to go to the East, and Haba is still sleeping, I have to cut down the head of Haba according to the home law, turn the back and cry. The two brothers came from this to Yulong Snow Mountain and Haba Snow Mountain. The head of Haba became a boulder to fall in the river, forming a tiger and grace, and the 18 songs sang in Jinsha River turned into the 18th beach of the Tiger. Lijiang ancient city has a beautiful scene everywhere, saying that it is not exhausted. The rest of the time, everyone can take pictures freely, pay attention to safety.


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