

时间:2023-06-10 11:03:46 文/孙小飞 导游词北考网www.beiweimall.com


  comes in front of hangzhou, you certainly had heard "on has theheaven, gets down has suzhou and hangzhou" this famous saying!actually, analogies hangzhou between the adult the heaven, in the verygreat degree is because had xihu. since 1100, the xihu scenery has thecharm which prolonged does not fade, her abundant posture beautifulfigure, makes one fall in love. tang dynasty big poet bai juyi leaveswhen hangzhou also never forgets xihu, "has not been able to throwhangzhou to go, one partly stops over is this lake." the poet said himtherefore does not give up leaves hangzhou, its main reason is becausehangzhou has a beautiful enchanting xihu. "the world xihu 36, centershould better be hangzhou"!

  friends: under on rides the ship along with me from the mountainshrine wharf to tour together xihu. before ship start, i firstintroduce xihu the survey: xihu is located the hangzhou west end,three goes around a mountain, the east side borders on the urbandistrict, the north and south long approximately 3.2 kilometers, thething width approximately 2.8 kilometers, circles lake week nearly 15kilometers. the area approximately 5.68 square kilometers, includingthe lake in the islands are 6.3 square kilometers, the hydraulic meandepth 1.55 meters, most deep place about 2.8 meters, most shallow partinsufficient 1 meter, water-holding capacity in 8.5 million to 8.7million cubic meters between. outside su di and the bai dike divideinto lake surf-ace the lake, north in the lake, the syli lake mountain lake andthe small lake nanhu 5 parts. xihu everywhere has the beautifulscenery, in the history except has "the money pond ten scenery", "thexihu 18 scenery" beside, what is most famous is the southern songdynasty chooses a name "the xihu ten scenery", mother: su di springday dawn, the tune courtyard wind-load, the pinghu harvest moon,breaks the bridge remnant snow, the flowered port view fish, south thescreen wan zhong, the split-blip s the cloud, the light peakevening glow, three deep pools india month, the scull wave hears. if connotationwhich selects by each character, they are: the spring, summer, fall,and winter is colored, late cloud evening month willow tree. the spotleft regardleof spring, summer, fall, and winter, regardleof thebright dusk, the xihu beautiful scenery all has at times,everywhere all in characteristic. in 1985 commented "the new xihu tenscenery". in take xihu as in the central 60 square kilometersbotanical gardens scenic spot, was proclaiming the main scenery scenicspot has 40 place, the key cultural relic historical site has 30place. summarizes the xihu scenery mainly take a lake, two peaks,three springs, four temples, five mountains, six gardens, seven holes,eight graves, nine brooks, ten jing assheng. on november 8, 1982,state council xihu will list as one of first batch of national keyscenery scenic spots. in 1985, in "the chinese ten big sceneriesscenic spots" in the eva luation, xihu is eva luated third.


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