Naturally Picturesque Huangshizhai
( Yellow Stone Stockade)
Hello, dear friends,
Welcome to Zhangjiajie. I am very glad to beyour tour guide. Today we will visit Zhangjiajie'sbiggest sightseeing terrace soaring into the air, theHuangshizhai, or Yellow Stone Stockade. Peopleoften say that “You can't be said to have been toZhangjiajie if you have not reached Huangshizhai”.
So we can see that Huangshizhai is the quintessence of Zhangjiajie scenic area. The mountain, seen from afar, resembles an almighty lion. Since the Chinese words “lion” and “stone” are the same in sound. namely“shi", hence the name “Yellow ( ‘Huang’ in Chinese) Lion Stockade”, or Huangshi Stockade.
Huangshizhai is located in the center of the Zhangjiajie National Forest Park, rising about l,200 meters above sea level. The stockade area covers over 133 hectares. It is a magnificent, strange and beautiful terrace, with numerous sheer precipices and overhanging rocks. Overlooking the periphery from the top of the stockade, you can see numerous valleys covered by clouds, many of peaks clustering together, with green trees poking into the sky and floating thin mist. A renowned poet once praised Huangshizhai with the following poem:
Advancing five steps, you praise it “Marvelous” ,
Advancing seven steps, you praise it “Matchless” ,
Advancing ten steps beyond, you will become speechless.
Secluded Path in the Fir Forest
Before us first we see a line of steep and winding stone steps, half-hidden in the thick and tranquil fir forest. That is the “secluded path in the fir forest”. In the ancient times there was only one path up to Huangshizhai, and it was located at the back of the mountain. The path we are using was finished and opened a decade ago. Scenic views abound alongside this secluded path and provide a visual feast for your eyes.
The Arhat is Welcoming the Guests
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