

时间:2023-06-17 14:14:10 文/李盛 导游词北考网www.beiweimall.com

  The world horticultural exposition held in shenyang in 20xx. On September 1, 20xx, the world association of horticultural producers (AIPH) formally approved the 56th annual meeting in shenyang, held the world horticultural exposition "20xx", "category for A2 + b1class professional international exhibition, the exhibition will be on 1 May 20xx solstice held on October 31, roll over 184 days, the organizers for liaoning province people's government, the People's Republic of China ministry of construction, ministry of commerce of the People's Republic of China, China council for the promotion of international trade, China flower association, shenyang people's government to undertake, by the Chinese society of landscape architecture and park association in China, where shenyang chessboard hill tourist resort in China." The park "to shenyang botanical garden has been built for the southern district and is developing the construction of the north district construction as the core, and to the east, the south direction development, the total planning area of greater than 5 square kilometers, is the past" the park covers an area of the largest in ".

  Us and the nature harmonious coexistence with nature, of the world. Human, thoughtful, intelligent, emotional; Natural, is plants, animals, landscape. With is a life, with a harmonious environment for each other, symbiosis, symbiosis is the future.

  "We and the nature harmonious coexistence", it is argued, is called, is the attitude, is a kind of ecological civilization promotes material civilization and spiritual civilization of great wisdom, is the foundation and fundamental for the sustainable development of human beings.

  "The park" construction will be divided into two major parts, namely the gardening viewing area and recreational areas. Concrete is composed of four parts: one is the gardening show. This is the subject and core of "the park", will be conducted on the basis of meeting the AIPH requirement creativity and play. Construction also includes the main entrance plaza, two outdoor area (international park and domestic park), two indoor exhibition hall (comprehensive gymnasium and tropical rainforest pavilion), twenty thematic garden, characteristic districts and green valley. The expo 6 million bulbs, mostly have lush leaves, brewing with beautiful flowers, watch carefully, some tulips had quietly grow buds.

  In the shenyang expo garden flowers numerous varieties, of which only perennial root flower has more than 1500 varieties, in addition to the greenhouse flowers more than 1500 varieties, grass spend about more than 650 varieties of leisure and entertainment. In the botanical garden construction of development zone on the east side recreational areas, with trees and flowers make the leisure entertainment district environment, make the garden art and the organic combination of leisure and entertainment, another type of garden style. Its landmark building is a large square performance, but also includes the agriculture farm of amorous feelings of different countries, large playgrounds, children's park, the world landmark building dynamic group, world amorous feelings street and miniature studios and other recreational facilities.

  Three is comprehensive service. With landscape architecture combines into organic whole, the construction contents include tourist reception center, large parking lot, tourist souvenir shops, flowers trading center, food court, cafes and bars, etc.

  Fourth, the exhibition activities. Will be held by all kinds of rich and colorful activities to attract tourists at home and abroad. Including celebration, pavilion day, theatrical performances, exhibition, academic exchanges, competition awards, and recreational activities.


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