

时间:2023-06-04 07:57:09 文/李盛 导游词北考网www.beiweimall.com



  Dalian laohutan Ocean Park:

  Hi, good morning everyone, welcome to Dalian laohutan Ocean Park. I’m your tour guide, Vickey. I wish you guys can have a wonderful time with us and make a lot of friends during this trip.

  All right, ladies and gentlemen, now we are in the most beautiful and romantic place of this ocean park in my mind----the Coral Museum. I’ll tell you why later.The coral museum is the only one in China’s inland and the largest one in Asia. Ittakes 37,000 square meters.In here we can see more than 230 species worldwide coral reefs biotasand around 3,000 species monosomies.

  We called the Corals "sea flowers”.But the carol stones are not the natural plant or stone. The carol stone is conformed by coral polyps, a single minimum lower animal,gathering toghther. Coral polyps would be attached to the reef when them floating in the sea. And they would grow and reproduce as time goes by. Reproduction stacked layer upon layer. After themdied, they will be calcifiedas what we see right now---the beautiful coral stone. The coral museum shows not only just lifeless coral stone but the alive and growing coral reefs as well as the environment in where they live.

  Coral Museum is filled with special coral reefs and colorful tropical fish. While at the beginning, I said the carol museum is the most romantic place I think in Laohutan. Now I’ll tell you the reason. Because when you entering the Coral Museum, you will just like stepping into a colorful kaleidoscope or a fairy tale. The reason why you fell like that is because this museum perfectly reserves the magic and beauty underwater through the modern technology likethe sound, light, video and others.So you will understand ocean-related knowledge and experience the mysterious ocean worldUnconsciously.

  Now, it’s the time to enjoy the romantic show of mermaid performing, underwater ballet and wedding.


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