

时间:2023-06-17 13:27:58 文/黄飞 导游词北考网www.beiweimall.com


  courtyard of family qiao

  shanxi, to the ground relics of the hsbc, said underground energy masterpiece. today, he ordered a large number of traditional houses to discover the art of architecture and worldwide attention. these exquisite incomparable and the house of intact, to their eternal truth, we look forward to the civilization of interpretation interpretation, we look forward to the glorious history of the interpretation of shanxi.

  the wisdom of the chinese nation and hardworking spirit, and created a towering wall, the solemn palaces, beautiful gardens, but also created a variety of house of. these have their own unique house of fresh life. zheng xiaoxie famous architectural experts said, "beijing is the national palace museum, a terracotta warriors and horses in xi'an, qixian county has 1,000 homes." china's historical and cultural city - qixian county residents, set song, yuan, ming and qing of the french, the department of the hebei jiangnan dacheng, the most famous of which is courtyard of family qiao.

  courtyard of family qiao in qixian county in shanxi province qiao jia, south of taiyuan, 54 km,east of the town just two kilometers. also known as the central scroll it is the qing dynasty famous commercial finance capitalists qiao yong attended by the . , was built in the qing dynasty emperor qianlong years, the future has been amended twice, the first extension, through the continuous efforts of several generations of people in the early republic of china into a magnificent architectural groups, and a concentrated expression of the qing dynasty in china's unique style residential areas north .

  the compound closed for the whole of the castle-building complex covering 10,642 (about 16 acres) square meters, the construction area 4,175 square meters, at 6 compound, 20 small courtyard, 313 housing. compound iii faced street, not connected with the surrounding residential areas. door sit west chaodong, on the top floor of a tall, middle-city openings road, opposite the door is brick map. the door to, is a things to the bust, the bust of a parapet wall on both sides of the taiwan wai, the bust of the end of the ancestors is the ancestral hall, and the door distant relative, as imperial court structure. the three northern compound, the canopies are wuhu gallery door, dark-dark lattice, three bays, palanquin acceto more than enough, the doors have suppository lateral ma-chu and launched stones, a few from the east to west, followed by the home, northwest center, study centers. fabrics are all being biased structure of the compound, the hospital owner is living, is partial hospital rooms and living rooms zaofang servants. construction on the relatively low partial hospital, the roof structure is very different, both for tile-roofed house is a hospital canopies, partial hospital for shop roof cottage is both an expression of the ethics of hierarchy, orderly, also showed that the building a higher level flu. there are four main building of the compound, the gatehouse, more floor balconies court 6. the roof of a walkway the same hospital, nursing homes patrol easy night.

  looking at the whole hospital layout stringent design sophistication, overlooking a "hi hi" shaped, construction known, brick adjustments, and seiko doing fine, brackets eaves, multicolored decorations of the equipment, brick carvings, crafts superb, and fully demonstrated china superb working people the construction process, experts and scholars reputation of being: "the history of the north vernacular architecture a shining pearl", it has been called "a royal palace, the house of qiao jia," said famous interpretation,at home and abroad.


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