

时间:2023-06-08 01:47:08 文/莉落 导游词北考网www.beiweimall.com

  good morning! ladies and gentlemen! today, e to all of you, our distinguished guest from the other side of the pacific. please allofortable!

  today, eters from east to guilin to yangsuo, and covers an area of about 100 square kilometers. taiping lake is quite young, it’s not on the map until 1970 that a dam pleted, and called chencun reserve.

  to better promote it and develop the tourist industry here, this reservoir ination of green & blue, reflections. no industrial pollution. cleanness is the base of its natural beauty. seeing is believing, you can enjoy by your oinated by the color of green and blue: the surrounding mountains are green, the sky above is blue, parts of the levels. it has been listed as an underground palace in the directory of chinese scenic areas. now, nine scenic spots have been open to public including peach garden, doushuai palace, linshan and yaochi, to name just a few.

  ok, ladies and gentlemen, let’s get on the boat and enjoy its beauty and the lakeside. and you’ll find the feeling that once a famous poet li bai, who toured the lake and wrote a poem in appreciation of hospitality of wang lun, his host 1,200 years ago.


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