

时间:2023-06-13 07:08:41 文/刘莉莉 导游词北考网www.beiweimall.com


  Dear passengers

  Hello, everyone. You've had a hard journey. I'm the guide of Jinzhouinternational travel service. My name is _ _ and you can call me _. On behalf ofall the employees of CITS, please allow me to sincerely welcome you to Jinzhou.It's my long cherished wish and the purpose of my hard work. If you have anydifficulties and requirements during your journey, please contact me in time. Iwill try my best to satisfy your request. At the same time, I hope you can putforward suggestions and criticisms on my service. I wish you all the best in thefuture Jinzhou happy, happy, brief introduction for you today's itinerary plan,we today to the penholder with the scenery area to play, by car about half anhour's journey.

  Jinzhou City is located in the west of Liaoning Province, covering an areaof 10301 square kilometers, which is equivalent to the size of 10 Hong Kongcities (with an area of 1070 square kilometers) with an area of 440 squarekilometers. The population of Jinzhou City is 2.968 million, and the populationof Jinzhou City is 756 million. There are 26 ethnic groups including Han,Manchu, Mongolian, Hui and Korean. Jinzhou has a long history and brutalcivilization. According to textual research, tens of thousands of years ago,there were human beings living and breeding here. Jinzhou was first called tuhe,and it is said that the city was built during the reign of Yushun. The pastdynasties left many relics, tombs and historical relics in Jinzhou. Jinzhou is astrategic place for the military strategists in the past dynasties, the mainbattlefield of the Ming and Qing Dynasties, and the main battlefield of the LiaoShen war in the era of liberation. Jinzhou Development Zone is one of the mostconvenient entrances and exits of Northeast China Development Zone. It is thewindow and frontier of opening to the outside world in western Liaoning. Itplans to develop an area of 58 square kilometers, with the first phase of 7square kilometers. It mainly attracts all kinds of funds to establish skillintensive industrial enterprises facing the international market, build hotels,restaurants, shopping malls, villas and amusement centers, among which BijiaShanfeng is the core Bijia mountain scenic spot is located in the coastal areaof Southern Jinzhou, 37 kilometers away from the center of the city. Bijiamountain is 76 miles in height and 4 li in length from north to south. Its scopeis obviously inferior to that of the famous mountains in the mainland. However,because of its danger, it stands in the vast Bohai Sea, so it has a specialfeeling to look into the distance. If it's sunny, the waves are calm, the goldenlight is shining, if it's early in the morning, the smoke is hazy, red, orange,yellow and green, and the changes are myriad For a long time, my heart is asmagnanimous as the sea. There is a beauty of "bright moon in the pavilion,clouds in the window".

  In the scenic spot, there are big Bijia mountain, small Bijia mountain,overpass and bathing beach. On the mountain, there are Bifeng Mountain Gate, LuZuting, Wumu palace, Sanqing Pavilion and yixiantian scenic spots. Each scenicspot has beautiful myths, legends and generations of recitation, which makepeople think about it. So how can Bijia mountain be created? It is said that inancient times, this place was a vast ocean, and then two Lang Shen took twomountains and put them into the sea to form two big and small islands, which aretoday's big and small Bijia mountains. Well, today we are going to visit big andsmall Bijia mountain. OK, our destination is here. Please get off and followme.

  You can see that there is an island in the coastal area, which stands inthe vast sea, surrounded by clouds and fog. Bijia mountain is named because itlooks like a penholder. Whenever the sun shines on the sea, Bijia mountain iscovered with thousands of rays, and is coaxed and held by the golden sea.Looking from afar, the commander looks like a long hair of Xiang Tianli. Who iswaving it? The book is magical. Lu Shanlin of the QingHan forest academy oncewrote a poem: the tip of the pen towering blue sky, the clouds rising after therain at the top of the peak, the reflection in the ocean, the waves turningwaves and flowing rivers. Dabijia mountain is more than 1600 meters away fromthe coast, and the overpass is the link between the mountain and the coast, soit is known as "Bifeng plunges into the sea". In addition to Bifeng plunges intothe sea, there are also eight scenic spots in Jinzhou: Stone shed pine scenery,Bauhinia sunrise, Rainbow snail evening photo, Jinshui Huiwen, Tangshui Dongyu,Linghe misty rain, ancient pagoda dusky crow, which are the eight scenic spotsin Jinzhou from the early Qing Dynasty.

  If you look at the statues of the two fairies behind us, there are four bigwords "bridge built by fairies" beside them. I think you will expect that thebridge must have been built by fairies. Then why don't you ask these two lying,while the other is standing, what is still in his hand. This starts from acharming legend: it is said that very long ago, two nine immortals drovecolorful auspicious clouds to visit the sky above the big and small Bijiamountain (2.5km northeast of the big Bijia mountain, and another small island,the famous little Bijia mountain). Looking down, they were immediately attractedby the beautiful water and wanted to connect the ocean and the island for thebenefit of the world, so their sister was there Big Bijia mountainself-restraint, sister in small Bijia mountain a bridge, agreed to repair thebridge before five o'clock, sister nature is strong, not afraid of problems, herdrops of sweat fell in the sea, turned into pieces of stone, finally before dawnto repair the bridge, sister worried about sister, change to see her, see repairhalf tired fell asleep, because the day will be bright, group line in a hurry tohold the soil, sprinkle to the unfinished For some time, even today, theoverpass in Dabie Mountain is made of stone, while half of the overpass inxiaobijia mountain is made of earth. Of course, this is a legend, not forevidence, but people still carve door statues for the two sisters in memory.According to this legend, the diligent sister is standing, and the sleepy sisteris lying. Well, I now tell you that the real builder of the overpass is thewaves. It is an artificial passage made by the impact of the waves, and it risesand falls with the tide Now and then, it is the result of tidal activities. Theperiod of rising tide is about twenty-four hours and five minutes. Here, the searises and falls twice. You can see that the fresh water well not far from thestatue is about four meters deep and one meter in diameter. Don't underestimatethis well. You can see that it's only fifty meters away from the shore. The wellwater is not salty like sea water, but sweet and refreshing. It's from thenearby residents The main water source is also the fresh water well nearest tothe sea. It is said that this well was built in 1912. When the fresh water wasinsufficient, the Yushi, who was in charge of the mountain repair, went down themountain to look for the water source and built a well by the sea. The southeastcorner of the bottom of the well was connected with the sea, and the well diggerblocked it with boulders to prevent seawater from pouring in. The wall of thewell is made of bluestone on the mountain, and the well water is gathered bysprings on the northern hillside. The fresh water well so close to the sea canbe called the "unique" of Bijia mountain.

  Well, tourists, the nailed pebble passage that we stepped on at thebeginning is the overpass. You see, it's just the ebb tide, and the water hasslowly receded from both sides. Looking from afar, it looks like a dragonwinding like a dragon, hidden in the vast sea. You can see that those anxioustourists in front of us have already walked in the vast sea on the waves of theblue sea. That scene is more like "Eight Immortals crossing the sea" with theirrespective magic powers. You can walk along this pebble passage to the mountaingate. During this period, you can play while walking, collect shells, catchcrabs, find conches, watch the waves, and enjoy the beauty of the magicoverpass.


  Dear passengers

  Hello, everyone. Your journey has been hard. I'm the tour guide of Jinzhouinternational travel service. My name is Zhang Chenchen. Just call me XiaoZhang. On behalf of all employees of CITS, please allow me to sincerely welcomeyou to Jinzhou. It's my wish and my goal to work hard. If you have anydifficulties and requirements during the journey, please contact me in time.I'll try my best to meet your requirements. At the same time, I hope you can putforward suggestions and criticisms on my service. I wish you all the best in thefuture Jinzhou end of happy, happy, a brief introduction to today's itinerary,we today to the penholder with the scenic spot, about half an hour ride.

  Jinzhou City is located in the west of Liaoning Province, covering an areaof 10301 square kilometers, which is equivalent to 10 urban areas as large asHong Kong (with an area of 1070 square kilometers), covering an area of 440square kilometers, with a population of 2.968 million and a population of 756million. There are 26 ethnic groups including Han, Manchu, Mongolian, Hui andKorean. Jinzhou has a long history and splendid culture. According to research,tens of thousands of years ago, human beings lived and multiplied here. Jinzhouwas first called tuhe, and it is said that the city was built when Yushun was inpower. Many sites, tombs and historical relics have been left in Jinzhou.Jinzhou is a strategic place for military strategists of all dynasties, the mainbattlefield of Ming and Qing Dynasties, and the main battlefield of Liaoshencampaign during the war of liberation. Jinzhou Development Zone is one of themost convenient entrances and exits of Northeast China Development Zone. It isthe window and frontier of opening to the outside world in western Liaoning. Itsplanned development area is 58 square kilometers, and the first phasedevelopment area is 7 square kilometers. It mainly attracts all kinds of fundsto set up technology intensive industrial enterprises facing the internationalmarket, and build high-grade hotels, hotels, shopping malls, villas, amusementcenters, among which Bijia Shanfeng is the best Bijia mountain scenic spot islocated in the coastal area of Southern Jinzhou, 37 kilometers away from thecity center. Bijia mountain is 76 miles in height and 4 li in length from northto south. Its scale is obviously inferior to that of the famous mountains in themainland. However, because its danger lies in the vast Bohai Sea, it has aspecial feeling to look into the distance. If it's sunny, the waves are calm,the sky is golden, if it's early in the morning, the smoke is hazy, red, orange,yellow and green, and there are many changes For a long time, the mind is asmagnanimous as the sea, and there is indeed the beauty of "bright moon in thepavilion, clouds in the window".

  In the scenic area, there are natural scenery composed of big Bijiamountain, small Bijia mountain, overpass and bathing beach. On the mountain,there are also some scenic spots such as Bifeng Mountain Gate, lvzuting, Wumupalace, Sanqing Pavilion and yixiantian. Each scenic spot has wonderful myths,legends and generations of recitation, which make people think about it. So howcan Bijia mountain be formed? It is said that in ancient times, it wasoriginally a vast ocean, and then two Lang Shen took two mountains and put theminto the sea to form two big and small islands, which are today's big and smallBijia mountains. Well, today we mainly visit big and small Bijia mountain. OK,our destination is here. Please get off and follow me.

  Look, there is an island near the sea. It stands in the vast sea,surrounded by clouds and fog. It's named Bijia mountain because it looks like apenholder. When the rising sun shines on the sea, Bijia mountain is covered withthousands of rays, and is coaxed and held by the golden sea. From a distance,the commander looks like a long hair of Xiang Tianli, who is waving it? The bookis magical. Lu Shanlin, a member of the QingHan forest academy, once wrote apoem praising the day: the tip of the pen towering blue sky, the clouds risingafter the rain on the top of the peak, the reflection in the ocean, the wavesturning and the river flowing. Dabijia mountain is more than 1600 meters awayfrom the coast, and the overpass is the link between the mountain and the coast,so it is known as "Bifeng plunges into the sea". In addition to Bifeng plungesinto the sea, Jinzhou eight sceneries include: Stone shed pine, Bauhiniasunrise, rainbow snail evening photo, Jinshui Huiwen, Tangshui Dongyu, LingheYanyu, ancient pagoda dusk crow, which are Jinzhou eight sceneries from theearly Qing Dynasty.

  If you look at the statues of the two fairies behind us, there are four bigwords "bridge built by fairies" beside them. I think you will guess that thebridge must have been built by fairies. Then why don't you ask these two lying,while the other is standing, what is still in his hand. This starts from acharming legend: it is said that long ago, two nine immortals drove colorfulauspicious clouds to visit the sky above the big and small Bijia mountain (2.5kilometers northeast of the big Bijia mountain, and another small island, thefamous little Bijia mountain). Looking down, they were immediately attracted bythe beautiful water and wanted to connect the land and the island for thebenefit of the world, so their sister was there My sister built a bridge inxiaobijiashan and agreed to repair it before five o'clock. My sister was strongin nature and was not afraid of difficulties. Her sweat fell into the sea andturned into stones. Finally, she repaired the bridge before dawn. My sisterworried about my sister and went to see her. She fell asleep tired after half ofthe repair. As the day was coming, she quickly took the soil and sprinkled it onthe unfinished road So far, the overpass of dabijia mountain is made of stone,while half of the overpass of xiaobijia mountain is made of earth. Of course,this is a legend, not for evidence, but people still carve door statues for themin memory of the two sisters. According to this legend, the industrious sisteris standing, and the sleepy sister is lying. Well, I now tell you that the realbuilder of the overpass is the waves, which is a natural passage formed by theimpact of the waves, and it rises and falls with the tide Now and then, it isthe result of tidal movement. The period of sea water rising and falling isabout 24 hours and 50 minutes. Here, the sea water rises and falls twice. Youcan see that the fresh water well not far from the statue is about 4 meters deepand 1 meter in diameter. Don't underestimate this well. You can see that it'sonly 50 meters away from the shore. The well water is not salty like sea water,but sweet and refreshing. It's from the nearby residents The main water sourceis also the fresh water well nearest to the sea. It is said that this well wasbuilt in 1912. When there was not enough fresh water, the Taoist priest who wasin charge of the mountain repair went down to look for water. He found a springby the sea and built a well. The southeast corner of the well bottom wasconnected with the sea, and the well digger blocked it with boulders to preventthe sea water from pouring in. The wall of the well is built of bluestone on themountain, and the well water is collected from the spring water on the northernhillside. The fresh water well so close to the sea can be regarded as the"unique" of Bijia mountain.

  Well, tourists, now the nailed pebble passage under our feet is theoverpass. You see, it's the ebb tide now, and the sea water has slowly recededfrom both sides. From a distance, it looks like a dragon winding like a dragon,hidden in the vast sea. You can see that those anxious tourists in front of ushave walked in the vast sea on the waves of the blue sea, and the scene is like"Eight Immortals crossing the sea" with their respective magic powers. You canwalk along this pebble passage to the mountain gate. During this period, you canplay while walking, collect shells, catch crabs, find conches, watch the waves,and enjoy the beauty of the magic overpass.

  After crossing the overpass, the note that is now in front of us isbifengmen. You can see that it's a stone gate, which is on the back of"glorifying the country" and "valuing Taoism and pro morality". This is writtenby he Baojiang, the Taoist who presided over the mountain building at that time.On the left side of the mountain gate, a stone statue of the monkey king made ofwhite marble has disappeared. You walk along the mountain road, but Lu Zuting,you see, it is like a small tower, 10 meters high, two floors, outside thePavilion there are 15 stone steps, the upper layer has a white marble stoneBuddha, the lower layer has two sides of white marble stone Buddha, themessenger said that this is Lu Dongbin's resting place when the eight immortalscross the sea, so it is named Lu Zuting. In the south of Lu Zuting is the fivemother palace. The original business was five two-story stone houses. Later, themiddle and upper floors were destroyed. There was a stone Buddha in each of thelower floors. Five female Buddhas sat in the south, some with books in theirhands, some with pomegranates in their hands. All of them were peaceful andbeautiful. In other pavilions, there were many female Buddhas. It turns out thatin the past, there were all nuns here. For a long time, there were more than 120nuns, which can be called the kingdom of nuns. Therefore, the palace isspecially designed for women's memorial day. In front of the gate of the fifthmother palace, there are two stone pillars carved with giant dragon climbingpillars. The carving is exquisite and vivid. In the south of Wumu palace,located at the highest point of Bijia mountain, is Sanqing Pavilion. It is a sixstory stone building, 26.2 meters high. It has a single color stone wall, StoneGallery, stone wall, stone gate, stone ladder. Even the murals and door god arecarved in stone. There are no wooden or iron objects. There are corridors in thepavilion. The upper and lower paths are connected. The location and layout ofthe palace and attic are changed in symmetry and connected in dispersion Theingenious design and excellent combination can be regarded as the best ofarchitecture. The stone carvings at the entrance and window are exquisite,lifelike and ecological. There are 43 stone Buddhas in the pavilion. Among them,the sun light Buddha Lisheng Pangu new moon statue on the top floor of SanqingPavilion is the most. Please see, this new moon statue is made of white marble,which is unique in China. It was built in 1912 and has experienced 85 years ofups and downs. The auspicious island on the top of Pangu's head, the lotus seat,and its left side The eyebrow represents the sun, the right eyebrow representsthe moon, and the eyes are wide open, the light is as vast as a torch, its eyescan only be meaningful, but not verbal. Holding fire in the left hand and waterin the right hand, the whole statue is carved with six dragons in differentshapes, which contains the mystery of the five elements of gold, wood, water,fire and earth. Its shape and sculpture style are unique. The most attractivething about climbing sanqingge is to look at the sea from the platform. You cannot only enjoy the scenery of the sea, but also find historical sites. You cansee, not far from Bijiashan, there is a port. The letter is Jinzhou port, whichis the northernmost port in China's Bohai economic circle. It is also the onlycommercial port open to the outside world on the nearly 400 km coastline ofwestern Liaoning. There are five berths for "four miscellaneous and one oil",including one 10000 ton oil berth with an annual throughput of 5.5 million tons.Six to eight more berths will be built by the end of this century In addition,in October 1996, the TV series "love Bijiashan" was shot on the spot andbroadcast in Jinzhou TV station, cable TV station and Liaoning TV station oneafter another. According to the standard of CCTV, the TV series "love Bijiashan"was refined The series is 11 episodes, which will be broadcast to CCTV, so thatpeople all over the country can understand Jinzhou and Bijia mountain. Thehospitable Jincheng people welcome people from all over the country to visitJinzhou and Bijia mountain. Well, tourists, my explanation will come to an endhere. You can play by yourself in the rest of the time. You can blow the seabreeze and see the waves here Or pick up some shells at the foot of the mountainand take a sea bath. We'll meet at the gate at 3 o'clock.

  Time flies, now just a few small crabs, tied so my shell, well, my tourguide work is over, with you also, it's time to say goodbye. Well, thank you foryour strong support for my work. Welcome to Jinzhou and Bijia mountain again.Goodbye!


  Bijiashan scenic area gate, also known as Haimen. Designed by BeijingTsinghua University Institute of architecture, it is divided into North andsouth parts. On the south side is a 20 meter high rainbow arch gate, whichsymbolizes the "Overpass" connecting the shore island. On the north side is a 22meter high golden key with east-west symmetry, which means that the two goldenkeys open the gate of the scenic spot, allowing tourists to open the gate of thescenic spot, and let tourists cross the overpass to mount Bijia.


  Welcome to Bijia mountain, Jinzhou.

  Bijia mountain is located in Bijia mountain scenic spot in Jinzhou Bay ofBohai Sea. It is a national 4A scenic spot. The magical Bijiashan overpass is awonder in the world.

  Bijiashan is an island, geomorphologically known as luliandao. Bijiashanisland is 1120 meters long from north to south, 220 meters wide from east towest, and 78.3 meters above sea level.

  In Bijia mountain scenic spot, there are a series of beautiful myths andlegends, such as "Pangu opens the sky, Bijia becomes a mountain", and "fairymakes a bridge", which add mysterious color to Bijia mountain and overpass.

  front gate

  The main gate of Bijiashan scenic spot, also known as Haimen, is designedby Tsinghua University. On the south side is a rainbow arched gantry,symbolizing the "Overpass"; on the north side are two golden keys, implying thatthe golden key opens the gate of the scenic spot, allowing tourists to cross theoverpass and climb to the mysterious Bijiashan island.


  This statue of "fairy bridge" comes from the myth of "fairy bridge". It issaid that there are two nine Fairies in the heavenly palace. In order tofacilitate the people on the shore of Bijia mountain to collect medicine, theysecretly descend from the heavenly palace, throwing countless pearls between thecoast and Bijia mountain, creating today's Tianqiao.

  The natural island connecting sand and stone dam formed by the impact oftides and waves is called "Overpass". Bijiashan sea overpass is about 1620meters long, 9 meters wide on average, and about 1.48 meters higher than thebeach. With the tide rising and falling, the overpass is like a meanderingdragon. At high tide, the sea water with waves constantly attack the overpassfrom both sides, and the overpass slowly sneaks into the sea like a meanderingdragon, forming a vast ocean. At ebb tide, the sea water slowly recedes to bothsides. Bijiashan overpass is like a dragon hidden in the sea. It gradually risesout of the sea. Visitors can wade in the sea, step on the waves, and walk upBijiashan island.

  Bijiashan seaside tide is a typical and regular "half day tide", whichfluctuates twice in 24 hours, which makes Bijiashan sea overpass the mostunique. In the world, there is another natural overpass, the "Zhendao Overpass"in South Korea. However, the "Zhendao Overpass" in South Korea is only exposedto the sea for three or five hours twice a year. Bijiashan overpass in Jinzhouis really the only natural wonder of sand and stone dam in Lulian Island exposedtwice a day in the world.

  You see, the island of Bijiashan in front of us is just like a pillar ofBijiashan, with three peaks in the sky. It's really amazing that the islandstands alone in the sea.

  The view of real person

  Built in 1939 by the disciples of Zhu Jiezhen, the founder of Bijiashanmountain, this view of human beings was built to commemorate the ascent of ZhuJiezhen, the Taoist priest of Yuqing. The view of human beings contains ZhuJiezhen's real body.

  Lu Zuting

  Built in 1938, the statue of Lu Zuting on the first floor is the twoimmortals in the legend of "Eight Immortals crossing the sea". It is Zhongli ofHan Dynasty in the East and LV Dongbin in the West. The second layer isdedicated to Taiyi salvation God, also known as Shifang salvation God. The flatplace to the south of Lu Zuting used to be the garrison of Ming Dynasty. Duringthe Song Jin war of the Ming and Qing Dynasties, Huang Taiji sent people toseize the grain and grass stored up by the Ming army, which led to a greatdefeat of the Ming army.

  Pangu Kaitian square

  You can see the sculptures of Pangu's two giant axes. It is said that Bijiamountain was the foothold of Pangu's creation. On the base of the sculpture iscarved the myth of "Pangu opens the sky, the penholder becomes a mountain". Itis said that Pangu broke off two small pieces of wood from the handle of his axeand threw them into the sea. In a short time, two small islands, big and small,appeared. Pangu stepped on them and collapsed the two high islands into amountainside. Later generations called them big and small Bijia mountains.

  Sanqing Pavilion

  The Sanqing Pavilion in front is 6 stories high, with a total height of26.2 meters. It is the largest all stone structure building in China. There isno nail or wood on the 6 stories. It is the largest all stone structure buildingin China's architectural history.

  The white jade statues and reliefs in Sanqing pavilion are originated fromTaoism, Buddhism, Confucianism and many gods worshipped by Chinese people. Evenmany immortals in the classic novel Fengshenbang are worshipped here.

  The third floor is dedicated to Confucius. The fourth floor is dedicated tothe emperor of the Qing Dynasty. On the fifth floor, the highest god of Taoism,Sanqing, is worshipped. Facing the west, the emperor of Yuqing Yuanshi sits.Facing the East, the emperor of Lingbao sits. Facing the south, the emperor ofTaiqing morality sits. In addition to the "Sanqing", facing north is the TaoistCihang (Guanyin in Buddhism).

  The highest level of Sanqing Pavilion is dedicated to Pangu, the God ofcreation in ancient Chinese legend. It is the only maritime statue of Pangu inChina. The statue of Pangu in sanqingge has an auspicious bird on its crown, thesun in its left eye, the moon in its right eye, five little dragons in its ears,two nostrils and mouth, and a galloping dragon under its seat. The tray isancient on the Fairy Island in the surging Bohai Sea. It is really a majesticand earth opening God.

  This is the end of today's tour. I hope you have a good time. Next time wewill visit Bijia mountain to appreciate the magic charm of the overpass.


  Dear passengers

  Hello, everyone. Your journey has been hard. I'm the tour guide of Jinzhouinternational travel service. My name is _ _ so please call me _. On behalf ofall employees of CITS, please allow me to sincerely welcome you to Jinzhou. It'smy wish and my goal to work hard. If you have any difficulties and requirementsduring your journey, please contact me in time. I'll try my best to meet yourrequirements. At the same time, I hope you can put forward suggestions andcriticisms on my service. I wish you all the best in Jinzhou Happy, happy, abrief introduction to today's itinerary, we today to the penholder with thescenic spot, about half an hour ride.

  Jinzhou City is located in the west of Liaoning Province, covering an areaof 10301 square kilometers, which is equivalent to 10 urban areas as large asHong Kong (with an area of 1070 square kilometers), covering an area of 440square kilometers, with a population of 2.968 million and a population of 756million. There are 26 ethnic groups including Han, Manchu, Mongolian, Hui andKorean. Jinzhou has a long history and splendid culture. According to research,tens of thousands of years ago, human beings lived and multiplied here. Jinzhouwas first called tuhe, and it is said that the city was built when Yushun was inpower. Many sites, tombs and historical relics have been left in Jinzhou.Jinzhou is a strategic place for military strategists of all dynasties, the mainbattlefield of Ming and Qing Dynasties, and the main battlefield of Liaoshencampaign during the war of liberation. Jinzhou Development Zone is one of themost convenient entrances and exits of Northeast China Development Zone. It isthe window and frontier of opening to the outside world in western Liaoning. Itsplanned development area is 58 square kilometers, and the first phasedevelopment area is 7 square kilometers. It mainly attracts all kinds of fundsto set up technology intensive industrial enterprises facing the internationalmarket, and build high-grade hotels, hotels, shopping malls, villas, amusementcenters, among which Bijia Shanfeng is the best Bijia mountain scenic spot islocated in the coastal area of Southern Jinzhou, 37 kilometers away from thecity center. Bijia mountain is 76 miles in height and 4 li in length from northto south. Its scale is obviously inferior to that of the famous mountains in themainland. However, because its danger lies in the vast Bohai Sea, it has aspecial feeling to look into the distance. If it's sunny, the waves are calm,the sky is golden, if it's early in the morning, the smoke is hazy, red, orange,yellow and green, and there are many changes For a long time, the mind is asmagnanimous as the sea, and there is indeed the beauty of "bright moon in thepavilion, clouds in the window".

  In the scenic area, there are natural scenery composed of big Bijiamountain, small Bijia mountain, overpass and bathing beach. On the mountain,there are also some scenic spots such as Bifeng Mountain Gate, lvzuting, Wumupalace, Sanqing Pavilion and yixiantian. Each scenic spot has wonderful myths,legends and generations of recitation, which make people think about it. So howcan Bijia mountain be formed? It is said that in ancient times, it wasoriginally a vast ocean, and then two Lang Shen took two mountains and put theminto the sea to form two big and small islands, which are today's big and smallBijia mountains. Well, today we mainly visit big and small Bijia mountain. OK,our destination is here. Please get off and follow me.

  Look, there is an island near the sea. It stands in the vast sea,surrounded by clouds and fog. It's named Bijia mountain because it looks like apenholder. When the rising sun shines on the sea, Bijia mountain is covered withthousands of rays, and is coaxed and held by the golden sea. From a distance,the commander looks like a long hair of Xiang Tianli, who is waving it? The bookis magical. Lu Shanlin, a member of the QingHan forest academy, once wrote apoem praising the day: the tip of the pen towering blue sky, the clouds risingafter the rain on the top of the peak, the reflection in the ocean, the wavesturning and the river flowing. Dabijia mountain is more than 1600 meters awayfrom the coast, and the overpass is the link between the mountain and the coast,so it is known as "Bifeng plunges into the sea". In addition to Bifeng plungesinto the sea, Jinzhou eight sceneries include: Stone shed pine, Bauhiniasunrise, rainbow snail evening photo, Jinshui Huiwen, Tangshui Dongyu, LingheYanyu, ancient pagoda dusk crow, which are Jinzhou eight sceneries from theearly Qing Dynasty.


  Bijiashan scenic spot is located in the west of Liaoning Province inNortheast China, facing the Bohai Sea, adjacent to Jinzhou port, and in JinzhouEconomic and Technological Development Zone. Bijiashan island and "Overpass" arethe main scenic spots in Bijiashan scenic spot, which can be roughly dividedinto five areas: Island Tour, sea sightseeing, shore entertainment, beachbathing and vacation cultivation. The total area is 8 square kilometers,including land area of 4.72 square kilometers and sea area of 3.28 squarekilometers. Here beautiful landscape, beautiful environment, rich resources,life service facilities, convenient transportation. There are many naturalscenic spots, such as MA'ANQIAO, yixiantian, Shengui going to sea, Shihouswimming, hukendong, Menglan Bay, etc. There are many cultural relics andhistoric sites: Lu Zuting, sun hall, Wumu palace, Wanfo hall, Longwang temple,Sanqing Pavilion, etc.


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