

时间:2023-06-11 04:03:41 文/刘莉莉 导游词北考网www.beiweimall.com


  Hong Kong Travel Guide

  Hong Kong, the Oriental Pearl, is simply amazing!

  It would be hard to find a more exciting city than Hong Kong. Set among beautiful natural surroundings it has all the benefits of a thriving and vibrant commercial center. Here you can find the delights of modern living alongside an abundance of reminders of its historic past. Whether you visit the better known highlights like the stunning Ocean Park, the fantastic viewpoint of Victoria Peak or the beautiful Repulse Bay , Hong Kong is certain to exceed your expectations.

  Hong Kong, a Special Administrative Region of PRC, has grown from what was a simple fishing village into the world's fourth largest banking and financial center and eighth largest trading economy. Situated in the southeast corner of China, Hong Kong occupies an area of 1,104 square kilometers (about 426 square miles) and is home to more than 6,970,000 people. Most people (about 97% of the population) are Chinese and speak Cantonese and English, although Mandarin is becoming more popular in Hong Kong now. Most tourism personnel and taxi drivers can communicate with tourists in English. The most common religions are Buddhism and Christianity.

  Hong Kong is made up of four parts: Hong Kong Island, Kowloon Peninsula, the New Territories and the Outlying Islands. Hong Kong Island is the center of economy, politics, entertainment and shopping. Northern Hong Kong Island is the main commercial, shopping and entertainment area; the residential area is located in Eastern Hong Kong Island; and Southern Hong Kong Island known for its sea shores and bays. Kowloon is another flourishing part of Hong Kong. Above all, Causeway Bay, Wan Chai , Tsim Sha Tsui, Yau Ma Tei and Mong Kok are the most popular areas. These areas are busy day and night, and tourists can feel secure enjoying the lively nightlife, because Hong Kong is one of the most secure cities in

  the world. The New Territories and Outlying Islands are ideal places to experience a peaceful and natural Hong Kong.

  An open city with a wonderful natural harbor, Hong Kong is the meeting place of various cultures that blend harmoniously with Chinese traditions and exotic influences. On one hand traces of British culture can be found everywhere as a result of former colonial rule. On the other hand, Hong Kong preserves traditional customs and the core values of Confucianism that have faded in Mainland China. This is reflected in its colorful festivals ranging from Spring Festival to Christmas. Nowhere else on earth do luxury restaurants, street side food-stalls known locally as dai pai dong, grand mansions and penthouses, tenements, office blocks, wooden boats and huge liners coupled with English in a variety of accents and multifarious Chinese dialects coexist peacefully.

  It is the dynamic Hong Kong that provides the environment in which the richest Chinese listed in Forbes directory do business. The city also is the backdrop for modern movies and pop music that together enjoy worldwide recognition. Home of Kongfu heroes like the late Bruce Lee and Jackie Chan, Hong Kong continues to attract more and more ambitious would-be stars and entrepreneurs.

  From Yum Cha (tea and dim sum) in the morning to a moon lit view from the top of Victoria Peak or stunning night time harbor cruise, mingling with shoppers in the numerous malls and markets around Tsim Sha Tsui , tasting delicacies at dai pai dong, taking a trip in a sampan or high speed ferry, Hong Kong will guarantee its visitors an unforgettable experience. There will always be something to enchant you and quite probably make you fall in love with this unique place, be it sightseeing, shopping, dining or simply exploring its many delights by day and night.

  If there is no other reason why people from the world over are so interested in this island, the answer is likely to be 'because it is there!' Don't wait any longer. Join us and explore this wonderland for yourself!


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