

时间:2023-06-15 14:04:39 文/王明刚 导游词北考网www.beiweimall.com



  Visitors and friends:

  You are good, you are welcome to visit Beihai park.

  Beihai park is located in the center of Beijing, is my garden of the oldest, best preserved imperial garden, now has nearly a thousand years of history.

  Beihai garden development began in the Liao Dynasty, Jin Dynasty and in the newly established on the basis of the Dading nineteen years ( 1179) built the grand scale of Titanoreine palace. Titanoreine palace follow our country gardens " a pool of " regulation, and the northern Bianjing Genyue where Taihu stone moved in on jade island. Yuan four years ( 1267), Kublai Khan Ethernet Ninggong Qionghua island as the center construction mostly, Jade Island and the lake is classified as imperial, the given name of Longevity Hill, Tai chi. Yongle eighteen years ( 1420) the Ming Dynasty official moved the capital to Beijing, longevity hill, Tai Chi becomes Forbidden City West of the river, called Xiyuan. The Ming Dynasty to develop water, forming three sea pattern. The Qing Dynasty inherited the Ming Dynasty in Xiyuan, this time to Beihai to carry out large-scale alterations, established after the magnitude and pattern.

  Xin Hai Revolution, 1925 Beihai opened as a park open to the outside world. After new China was founded in 1949, the party and the government of Beihai Park protection very seriously, shifting heavily to repair, released by the State Council in 1961 as the first batch of the whole garden key cultural relics protection units.

  Beihai is the Chinese garden art. The park covers an area of 69 hectares ( of which the surface 39 hectare ), mainly by the Jade Island, on the east coast, the north shore area. Qionghua Island trees verdant, fish house, pavilions, terraces and open halls, well-proportioned, Baita Mountain Top shrug, become a park sign, the willows with traces back to vegetarian restaurant, meditation, fasting, king hall, church history, five, fast snow dragon,, and many other famous attractions, Beihai garden learn widely from others' strong points, North Garden art style and Jiangnan gardens graceful and charm, and the magnificent imperial palace garden storage and the religious temple of the stately, majestic and grand and all blend into one harmonious whole. Chinese garden art, is a treasure.


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