

时间:2023-06-04 15:37:34 文/马振华 导游词北考网www.beiweimall.com


  The tourists are all good, today we will visit the Jiexiu Mianshan Mianshan, Taihang Mountain branch, at an elevation of 2000 meters, it was named Mianshan beans and cotton. After the spring and Autumn Period Jin Chen Jie burned the mountain reputation. The construction of many temples in Mianshan Buddhist temple, and became a famous Buddhist shrine. But Mianshan great scenery, is China's famous tourist scenic area of the north.

  From the Jiexiu south for 20 kilometers to reach the foot of the mountain and then South Village, about 1.5 km away, we will start climbing. The natural and cultural landscapes on the mountain are very rich, but the scenic spots are scattered. The journey is about 9 kilometers. It is commonly known as "nine Li eighteen bend, twenty-four small temple". The first important scenic spots we are now arriving in Mianshan -- leading temple. The leader of the temple at the entrance of the temple is the throat, lying very Xianyao from here, the south line mountain hinterland. The temple is divided into two layers, which are the faucet monastery. The next is the Guan Yu Temple. Leading from the temple, along the way between two mountains, phosphate rocks ring, great scenery. The road like a ribbon around the mountainside.

  Friends, please continue to climb up. In the advantageous place, there is a megalithic Fort when standing, about 7 meters high, 4 meters wide, there is room for people to guard the fort in the door. There is a deep ditch in front of the door, with a door plate suspension bridge. From the above lookout hole can see the man entering the mountain. If the suspension bridge is put down, the suspension bridge will be pulled up again after the person has passed. The door is around deep cliffs, it is yifudangguan, mofu. Continue to move forward, not far away you can see the "free bridge", "deer bridge", and then climb the 127 steps is the main scenic spots: Mianshan bracegirdle rock. The famous "Datang Fenzhou bracegirdle temple is hidden in a huge cave, in addition to hold abdominal temple, where there are empty king temple, thousand Buddha Temple, Buddha Temple, the temple and the referral push Wulong temple and other buildings, these buildings are deep in the rock to hold abdominal belly, rain and snow can not invade, the quiet no risk of the scene is rare.


  Today we will visit the Jiexiu Mianshan Mianshan, Taihang Mountain branch, at an elevation of 2000 meters, it was named Mianshan beans and cotton. After the spring and Autumn Period Jin Chen Jie burned the mountain reputation. The construction of many temples in Mianshan Buddhist temple, and became a famous Buddhist shrine. But Mianshan great scenery, is China's famous tourist scenic area of the north. From the Jiexiu south for 20 kilometers to reach the foot of the mountain and village, there is a place worth a visit in Xing Village, is the first place we first visit in tours mt.mianshan before - Luan temple.

  Luan temple is due to Tang Taizong's to think not in Luan Mianshan mountain named. At that time, Tang Taizong also left a poem: "you fu Luan, can play fanchen, baosha. Cheng Lu, near the foot of spring smallpox. Burn the clock to give two sound, France and Japan turn two wheels. The quiet fairyland, detached from the dust. Please follow me to enter the temple visit. The temple was destroyed by war in the five generation, and it was rebuilt in the Song Dynasty. The temple courtyard spread down Hongchang main building, king hall, main hall, temple and pile about things peidian. From the temple of the heavenly king, the house is inward, although the buildings are not high, they are solemn and solemn. The main hall is the main hall of the temple, the original clay statues group and iron statues, wood carving statues, and walls painted with murals of the Yuan Dynasty, but ten years - was destroyed in chaos. Now the growth of pines, cedar, dragon tree, such as pine throughout the summer Huaiyin umbrella, quiet, add vitality to the temple.

  Friends, starting from the Luan temple, then south for about 1.5 km away, we will start climbing. The natural and cultural landscapes on the mountain are very rich, but the scenic spots are scattered. The journey is about 9 kilometers. It is commonly known as "nine Li eighteen bend, twenty-four small temple".

  The first important scenic spots we are now arriving in Mianshan -- leading temple. The leader of the temple at the entrance of the temple is the throat, lying very Xianyao from here, the south line mountain hinterland. The temple is divided into two layers, which are the faucet monastery. The next is the Guan Yu Temple. Leading from the temple, along the way between two mountains, phosphate rocks ring, great scenery. The road like a ribbon around the mountainside. Friends, please continue to climb up. In the advantageous place, there is a megalithic Fort when standing, about 7 meters high, 4 meters wide, there is room for people to guard the fort in the door. There is a deep ditch in front of the door, with a door plate suspension bridge. From the above lookout hole can see the man entering the mountain. If the suspension bridge is put down, the suspension bridge will be pulled up again after the person has passed. The door is around deep cliffs, it is yifudangguan, mofu.


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