

时间:2023-06-14 18:33:20 文/阿林 导游词北考网www.beiweimall.com

  Ladies and Gentlemen! Welcome to Mt.Hangshan, which is lauded as“No.1 Mountain under the heaven. ”I am so glad to be your guide in this tour. My name is Wangyan. I hope I can provide a quality service to you. Now I’d like to introduce something about Mt.huang, Mt.huang is one of 10 major scenic resorts of China. And it is a frequent subject of traditional Chinese paintings and literature, as well as modern photography. In 1990, the UNESCO put it on the list of world natural and cultural heritages.

  The beauty of Mt.Huang lies in its“five wonder”, Pine trees with shapely foliage, rocks in hundreds of images, a sea of clouds, hot spring and snow of winter. Today I will mainly introduce pine trees to you.

  Follow me please! I will help you to find some fascination of Mt.Huang. Look at these pine trees, these pine trees are considered as the example of vigor because the trees thrive by growing straight out of the rocks. Their branches extend to one side to get more rain and embrace the sunshine well. Many of the pine trees in the area are more than a hundred years old and have been given their own names, such as the Yingke Pine, which is thought to be more than 1500 years old.

  Now we are going to appreciate the beauty of the Yingke Pine. Before we get there, look at the cloud around you, although we can see cloud sea in many other place, I think it in Mt.Huang is the most brilliant one. You can try to feel and touch them, but please pay attention to be safety. Fine, here we go. This tree in front of us is Yingke pine. The tree is 10.15 meters high, its circumference is 2.05 meters and its crown size is 10.7 meters times13.7 meters. This tree stays vigorously upright and keeps elegant gesture. We all know that Yingke pine is the symbol of Mt.Huang. It looks like the tree use its hand to welcome people from all over the world. A huge iron painting produced according to its pretty image is displayed in Great Hall of the people in Beijing. This tree can represent the friendship between China and other countries. Now you can take photo with your friends in front of it, then I think your friendship will be evergreen like this pine tree. Please be careful and don’t hurt the vegetations around here.

  After we finish our tour, you can try to have a bath in the hot spring of Mt.Huang which is good for your health. But if someone suffers from high blood pressure or heart disease, I think it’s not suit you. It’s good to eat a little food before you have a bath.

  Good time always flies quickly. I’m so pleasure to let you know something about Mt.Huang. Thanks for your cooperation, so that our tour could be so smoothly and happily. I wish I could have anther opportunity to be your guide in the future. If you have any suggestions, please feel free to let me know. I will correct and do my best next time. Thanks for you all. Best wishes to you all. Goodbye! Thank you!


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