

时间:2023-06-17 02:50:58 文/黄飞 导游词北考网www.beiweimall.com

  Dear visitors,

  I am very happy to accompany you to visit the longmen grottoes today. This is luoyang, the capital of the "nine dynasties" in the central plains. The longmen grottoes, 12 kilometers south of luoyang, are one of the world's most famous stone sculptures.

  Now we are running through the water of pentium. On the bridge is a strong and powerful "dragon gate" which Chen yi has written, which marks the return of the dragon gate to the hard-working and brave people.

  Walking along the wall, we have now entered a thousand Buddha caves. The hole is about the size of a room, three and four metres high. No matter the wall or the ceiling, the small Buddha is about twenty centimeters high. The Buddha's head and foot are attached to each other and sit side by side with the same appearance and serenity. Looking up at the top of the cave, the Buddha statue, like the summer stars, is dazzling.

  The thousand Buddha cave has been visited, we now walk out of the hole. As you can see, the stone staircase, which was built up by the various costumes, was going up and down the stone ladder, and looked far away, like a giant dragon crouching on a mountain path, with its brilliant phosphorescence. "Dragon" adds infinite vitality to this pure and one-thousand-year ancient land.

  Now we have seen the stream of water. It is still flowing, as if looking forward to the future, as if to say: friends, study hard, in the future for the motherland to build thousands of famous and foreign modernization "dragon gate"!









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