

时间:2023-06-05 07:21:46 文/马振华 道歉信北考网www.beiweimall.com


  A Letter of Apology

  Dear Jerry:


  Hello! My best friend, we have not seen for a few weeks. A few days ago, I held a party in my house. There were a lot of friends coming to the party. We played games, sang popular songs and had a big meal. But I felt unhappy during the party, for I failed to invite my best friend, you. I write this letter to get your forgiveness for my mistake. I know you are fairly broad-minded.


  To show my sincerity, I will have another party for you. It will be pleasant to invite you here. It is a good opportunity for you to meet many friends that you have not seen for a long time. The party will begin at seven o'clock on next Sunday evening in my house. Is it possible for you to come to the party? The party will not be complete without you. Wish to see you and get your forgiveness. If you have some good advises for the party, please write to me.


  Best wishes to you!


  Sincerely Yours,



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