

时间:2023-06-01 23:34:58 文/黄飞 道歉信北考网www.beiweimall.com







  Dear _______,

  I am exceedingly sorry to tell you that _______(陈述道歉的原因)。 Now I am writing you this letter of apolgy to show my deep regret.

  I hope you will understand me and excuse me for_______(请求对方原谅的事由)。 The reason for my delay/ absence was/ is that _______(解释道歉的原因)。Therefore________. And I would appreciate your allowing me to ________(提出补救措施)。

  I really hope that it didn't cause you any convenience. If so, please accept my sincere apology.


  Dear Harry,It wasn’t till I got to the office this morning that I realized this was

  Thursday and I had missed our lunch date yesterday. The peaked hat you

  will see me wearing next time we meet will have “Dunce” written across

  the band.I honestly don’t know how it happened, since I had been looking forward

  to seeing you all week. Can you make it for lunch next Monday at the

  same place? I will be there at one o’clock unless I hear from you.



  you had an appointment with your friend last friday. unfortunately, you did not keep the appointment because your mother fell ill at that time. write a letter to your friend to:

  1.apologize for not attending the appointment as planned,

  2.explain why you could not meet him/her that day,

  3.make suggestion for another appointment next time.

  dear linda,


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