

时间:2023-06-08 22:56:47 文/秦风学 道歉信北考网www.beiweimall.com

Dear * * *:


  In recent days, due to the loud noise in the building, it has caused a lot of inconvenience and inconvenience to you and your family. On behalf of the XX team, we would like to express our deep regret to you and your family!

  We thank you for your close attention and support during this project. As a representative of * * city and national high quality real estate projects, * * embodies the wisdom of our intentions and * * * team, brought together more owners and customers advocating high quality of life a lot like you, we are very proud of and responsibility.

  Overview of domestic and foreign construction, review of delivery with the use of * * construction project, once again confirms the "architecture is always the law defect of art", even done a lot of preparatory work, in the process of design and construction to be strictly controlled, there is no way to avoid absolutely problem. But we guarantee that through careful investigation and prevention in advance, timely response and good service, all possible problems are avoided ahead of schedule, and the problems that have already occurred have been solved quickly. We firmly believe that only the construction and provide thoughtful property services and constantly improve the quality of real estate projects, in order to live up to your choice and trust and other owners and customers, in order to fundamentally strengthen the brand x group.

  Now you find problems have been addressed and solved thoroughly, we are deeply sorry for the impact caused to you and your family and inconvenience, sincerely urge you to give more understanding, continue to support our work, and jointly create a * * * * * * real estate, property and family harmony and happiness, and jointly promote the with the implementation of the real estate brand value, * * * * * *

  Property services reputation continued to improve.

  On the occasion of the Mid Autumn Festival, National Day is coming, we * * * on behalf of the team to send the most sincere thanks and wish you and your family, thank you for your support and help, I wish you and your family a happy family reunion, the mid autumn festival!










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