

时间:2023-06-07 17:02:22 文/王明刚 倡议书北考网www.beiweimall.com




Dear classmates:

  When you study in this beautiful campus and work hard for our bright future, we believe that every one of us is eager to have a clean campus, eager for healthy life, longing for green, and yearning for a good living environment. School is a place for educating people. Environmental education is one of the basic means to improve our ideological and moral quality and scientific and cultural quality. Building a conservation minded and environment-friendly campus is not only the need for our own development, but also our students' social responsibilities. In order to enhance your awareness of environmental protection and make our campus and class environment more tidy and beautiful, and to create a green and harmonious campus environment, our campus environment volunteer activities group earnestly put forward the following suggestions to teachers and students.

  1, establish the concept of green civilization, consciously care for the environment, and regard individual environmental protection as part of personal civilization.

  2, do not litter, litter, do not spit, do not pick the campus every tree and Bush love of public green space.

  3. Protect the equipment, equipment and public property to keep the equipment in good condition and try to reduce the damage and maintenance.

  4, save water, cherish water resources, reduce water pollution; save electricity, do people go lights out, don't turn on the lights lit, to avoid the "white light" and "light of the situation, the computer room computer with time after shutdown

  5, save paper, use as little as paper napkin, draft paper, and so on as far as possible.

  6, life is frugal, no random waste of food, no leftovers, to cultivate good habits.

  7, try not to use plastic bags as little as possible, and try to use less disposable paper cups and plastic cups as much as possible.

  8, from my start, call the school students to set up environmental awareness, in order to create a green harmonious campus to create a force.

  "Review the worthies country and home, by being defeated by excessive", the Chinese nation has always advocated saving, parents and teachers have also repeatedly stressed that the protection of the environment, so we must take their mission, foster environmental awareness, develop the habit of saving resources, begin from me, start from little things, to build a harmonious campus environment friendly type of work!


  Specific date


Small citizens of the earth village:

  The earth that we live on is only one, and how much it needs our protection. However, some of the small citizens do not listen to you. You see, the discarded food on the table, the mountain of disposable chopsticks, the running water. Such a picture is really shocking.

  The earth, the human mother, the cradle of life. It was so beautiful and so spectacular. But now, human beings for their own interests, at the expense of luancailuanwa, pollutant emissions... So... A tall bald mountain, a clear river black... Mother earth is a moan of pain... If the earth is polluted, our lives will be destroyed in our hands. As a member of the earth, we have the responsibility and obligation to protect the earth. Start from small things and start from your side. Protect our home, let our earth restore the original face. Therefore, I suggest:

  1. minimize the use of disposable items, reduce white pollution, self-made shopping bags and baskets.

  2. in life, in the study, or in the work, we must save resources. Water, electricity, control. To put an end to all kinds of waste, consumption also needs to be frugal.

  3. all recycled articles, such as waste paper, waste plastic, waste metal and so on, should be classified and recycled. It is the resources that can be regenerated continuously, thus reducing the pollution of waste.

  4. trees afforestation, love the side of the ground, a plant, a tree. A variety of flowers and trees, to greening the environment, to prevent the pollution of the environment.

  5. pay attention to personal hygiene, do not spit anywhere, do not mess with people, do not smoke in many places, and do not make noise.

  Citizens, protect the environment. Remember: we have only one earth. We have to work together to protect our homes. That way, we can live in the cradle of fresh air, grow up under a smiling face and bathe in the clear spring. Citizens, remember, we have only one earth.

  A student in a primary school

  October 25th


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