

时间:2023-06-19 14:54:37 文/黄飞 倡议书北考网www.beiweimall.com

  Whales have been hunted by humans since ancient times due to their great economic value, but in the past, the hunting methods were backward and the hunting amount was small, which was not enough to affect the number of whales. In modern times, people switched to sail boats and artillery to hunt whales, which greatly increased their killing power, which greatly reduced the number of whales and endangered species.

  My dear friends, the whale has always been a friend of man and an important part of the Marine ecosystem. It is a precious natural resource endowed by nature. Protecting the whales and maintaining the ecological balance are not only related to the survival and development of mankind, but also an important symbol to balance the progress of a country, a nation and a city. Now there are fewer than fifty blue whales.

  Therefore, we will propose:

  1. Strengthen the management of whale fishery and reduce the waste of whale injury and resources.

  2. Prohibit illegal fishing activities and strictly control the discharge of coastal life and industrial sewage,

  Protect the Marine living environment.

  3. Construction of Marine biological conservation hall, establishing Marine ecological protection awareness and strengthening whales

  Protection of knowledge publicity education work and study.

  Fishing of whales is prohibited.

  The earth is a blue planet, the sea is the life home of mankind, the vast ocean has nurtured thousands of years of human culture.





  1、 加强鲸鱼捕捞管理,减少对鲸鱼误伤及资源的浪费。

  2、 禁止非法渔业活动,严格控制沿岸生活和工业污水排放,


  3、 建设海洋生物保护馆,树立海洋生态保护意识,加强鲸鱼


  4、 禁止捕捞鲸。



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