Thinking of doing good, I thought of uncle lei feng, who did a good deed not to be good, and to help those who were in difficulty. Although he is no longer there, his spirit lives on. We will learn from uncle lei feng and help those in need, and help them out. Chairman MAO also used march as a study for lei feng yue.
Lei feng is an ordinary Chinese warrior, his life is very short, but he has left us precious spiritual wealth lei feng spirit. Lei feng spirit has inspired generation after generation of growth, lei feng has also become a national people learning role model. One time, lei feng met an old woman at the railway station, she lost her ticket, so he paid his own allowance to the old woman. The big niang is very grateful, ask: young man, thank you, what is your name? My name is PLA. I was born in China. Lei feng replied. Some people say that lei feng is a fool, but lei feng said: if this is a fool, then I would like to be such a fool. Maybe someone will ask me something about lei feng, maybe someone will say I can't learn lei feng. Learn lei feng even if you are only a trivial matter, but help others, bring happiness to others, this is learning lei feng. That's not to say that you have to do great things, and that's what you learn about lei feng.
When I was first grade, I helped an aunt to pick up a folder, which was the first good thing I had done since I was in primary school, so I wrote a long diary to commemorate it. The diary is roughly written: Saturday, September 27, sunny.
This afternoon I was playing outside the door, and I saw an aunt walking away in a hurry. She dropped a folder. I went over to look at it, picked up the folder and ran towards my aunt. At this time, I saw auntie worried about looking around, I walked over, quietly asked: auntie, this is you dropped? Yeah, yeah, yeah, kid, thank you. She spoke very quickly, and she went away. I looked at the back of the strange aunt and felt very happy.
Therefore, learning lei feng to do good deeds is not a big deal, as long as you can help others, you have done a good deed. As long as we have a good heart, a pair of good eyes, a pair of helpful hands, then we can also become a qualified young lei feng! Speaking of this, I think of the words I learned from lei feng: human life is limited, and the service to the people is infinite. I will devote my limited life to the limitless service of the people.
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